Chapter 169 Red Luan Star Movement
Yun Qian recognized the very familiar voice as the Seventh Prince Chu Han.

When Chu Han walked to the door, he looked up and found that something was wrong, so he hurriedly said, "Girl, did you go to the wrong latrine?"

Yun Qian felt that she was really unlucky today, because she was so upset that she didn't see whether it was the men's or women's room, and she was bumped into by someone!
She didn't speak at the moment, walked to the door, and punched Chu Han twice.

Chu Han went to the toilet in the middle of the night and didn't take his servants with him, and he didn't expect Yun Qian to hit him as soon as he said it. He picked up the wind lantern to fight back, but when he saw Yun Qian's angry face, he immediately stayed there.

Through the gloomy brilliance of the wind lamp, the girl who appeared in front of Chu Han was a bit unrealistically beautiful. Even though Xingzi, whose eyes were shining across the sky, was angry at this time, she still couldn't stop her peerless beauty.

Her snow-white skin was almost transparent in the dark night, her jade-like nose bridge was pretty and straight, and under her nose was a pair of cherry lips, which were as soft and lustrous as petals.

He swallowed all the words he wanted to scold, and said in a silly way: "Fairy... Fairy..."

Yunqian originally thought that he was going to fight back, and was ready to give him a few needles, but she didn't expect him to speak like this. She suddenly remembered that although she and Chu Han had met several times, every time they met, she would either Wearing a gauze cap on her head, or covering her face with a gauze, this guy calls her crazy and ugly every day, but he has never seen her at all.

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and when he saw her smile like this, he was even more stupid.

Yun Qian squeezed her throat a little bit and said with a light smile, "What a fool."

He scolded her for being a fool all day long, and she would scold her back tonight.

Hearing her voice, Chu Han asked with a smile, "Girl, are you really a fairy?"

Yun Qian raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you ever seen a fairy?"

It seems that this guy is really stupid to ask such an idiotic question.

Chu Han shook his head lightly, the smile on the corner of Yunqian's mouth grew stronger, her eyes moved slightly and she said, "So, I'm not a fairy either."

Her voice was very pleasant to Chu Han's ears, but he had already come to his senses, and immediately asked, "Dare to ask the girl's name?"

"What do you want to do by asking my name?" Yun Qian said with a smile, "Could it be that you want to plot evil?"

Chu Han smiled honestly and said: "The girl is so beautiful, I like it in my heart, if the girl doesn't dislike it, I want to marry the girl."

When Yunqian heard Chu Han's words, she felt a little funny. After she crossed over, she saw only a few men, and almost all of them said they wanted to marry her. Is she Hongluan Xingdong or What about spring?

It's just that she doesn't think these things are good things, and they might cause a lot of trouble.

And this Chu Han had bullied her a lot before, and it was rare to see him being stupid. If she didn't ask for some interest and came back, it really didn't fit her character. She smiled and said with crooked eyes, "My lord wants to marry me?"

Chu Han nodded heavily, and there was a bit of expectation in his eyes.

He is only 17 years old this year, and he is still a teenager. He didn't know what it was, but he always heard from his elder brother that people in the royal family can marry whoever they want.And he is the seventh prince. He doesn't have the same ambition as the third prince. At best, he just wants to help Chu Mo ascend to the position of great treasure and become a happy prince.

(End of this chapter)

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