Chapter 170
Chu Han didn't notice Yun Qian's anger at all, he just felt that any woman he liked must like him.

Seeing that the first rule didn't work, he immediately thought of the second rule: tell her about your prominent status. When a man in the royal family goes out, he is definitely loved by everyone and blossoms when flowers bloom.

So Chu Han raised his head slightly, lest Yun Qian would not know his identity, and said a little arrogantly: "I am the Seventh Prince today, and there are many women in the world who want to enjoy the moon with me and have no chance. The chance is that there is smoke rising from your ancestral grave."

When Yun Qian heard the words, she had the urge to swear, your sister, is there smoke from my ancestral grave?I want to dig your ancestral grave!
She suppressed her temper, and said with surprise on her face: "So you are the seventh prince, I am just a girl from an ordinary family, and I really can't climb up to the royal family."

Chu Han was anxious when he heard the words, and he couldn't figure out why Chu Yuanzhou's laws had excellent effects on women, why it was useless for him to use them at this time.

He secretly told himself that he still has the third rule: most women love money, as long as you give them a lot of money, they promise to be devoted to you and follow you obediently.

Chu Han took out a large stack of banknotes from his arms and handed them to Yun Qian, "If you agree to our marriage, all these banknotes will be yours."

When he came out today, it happened that Chu Mo had something to entrust to him to do, so he had a lot of bank notes on him, but the matter didn't get done, and he didn't expect the bank notes to be used at the party at this time.

Yunqian already had some idea of ​​some silver in this dynasty. One tael of silver was equivalent to 21 yuan in the 2000st century. She glanced at the top bank note which was 100 taels, and the big stack of silver notes was at least a dozen or so. Zhang, if there are one hundred bills each, then the stack of silver bills is more than 1000 taels.

In her previous life, she was not short of money at all, and she had always despised men who beat women with money. What did that bastard Chu Han think of her!With his virtue, he couldn't get into her eyes at all!

Yun Qian took the silver ticket and smiled happily: "Very good."

Chu Han breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her words, and secretly sighed that the method taught by Chu Yuanzhou was really useful.

It's just that before he had time to be happy, he felt a slight tingling pain around his neck, and then he only felt his eyes go dark, and he fell to the ground immediately.

When Yun Qian pulled her hand out of his, she shook it hard a few times, and then spat on him unceremoniously, how dare this bastard grab her hand!I really think I live too comfortably!

She threw the silver bill in her hand on him and said softly: "Grandma, I will smash you to death with the silver bill!"

It's just that she felt something was wrong after smashing the banknotes. Since she came to this world, she has never had any money. Although the current situation is many times better than before, she is still passive when it comes to money. status.

Her eyeballs rolled around, and then she quickly picked up all the banknotes that fell on the ground, the silver delivered to the door, don't be a fool.

Yun Qian put the bank note into her bosom, and then felt that it would be too boring if this matter were to be let go like this. The corner of her mouth was slightly hooked, and she took out something from her bosom, and drew a picture on Chu Han's face. A big turtle.

After thinking about it, she smiled wickedly, and then covered the doorknob with her special medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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