Chapter 171
"Nothing happened in the first place, you don't need to take any responsibility. Besides, you and I have a marriage contract, unless you want to call off the engagement, but if you have that idea, I'm afraid you have to put it away." The cloud is light and the wind is light.

After a night of rest for Chu Yuanzhou, his spirit at this time is much better than last night, and there is a little blood on his lips. Looking at the heavy clouds like this, there is a touch of tenderness in his eyebrows and eyes, which can really melt the world The hardest ice.

He said softly: "The responsibility I said is different from what you said, Qianqian, do you think we should just make mistakes like this?"

Yun Qian raised her eyes and asked, "If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. Did we do something wrong? My lord?"

There was a touch of sarcasm in her sentence, "I am a son of heaven", and Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "It seems that there is, at least in the eyes of the world, we have some, unless people are very lucky in the future and can meet someone who is like a saint." people."

Yun Qian felt that what he said was a little dark-hearted, and seeing the wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, her brows frowned slightly, and what he said seemed a little ambiguous.

She remembered that from the time they first met to the present, he seemed to be playing the role of the big bad wolf for a while, and the little white rabbit for a while. In the trap.

Did he want to be like the big bad wolf, swallowing her bit by bit in the end?

If he has such thoughts, he can get out as soon as possible.

The gloom between Yun Qian's brows faded away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then he smiled lightly: "Your Majesty is really smart, I am indeed looking for someone like a saint, don't you think that only a saint in this world is worthy of me. "

"It seems that saints don't marry wives." Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile.

Yun Qian blinked and said, "This doesn't seem to be important. If it is the saint I like, I will definitely find a way to marry him back."

Chu Yuanzhou frowned, and Yunqian said again: "This is my private matter after all, if the prince doesn't want me to disclose everything this time, then don't force me to do anything I don't want to do in the future .”

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows, but Yun Qian no longer paid attention to him, and wanted to go out, but Princess Qionghua grabbed her and said, "The battle was so fierce last night, you tore all the clothes of Xiao Chuan'er Now, it would be unreasonable if your clothes were not torn by the boat."

Yunqian had the urge to hit the wall when she heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou laughed lightly when she heard the words, she was half sick from vomiting, but she had to admit that what Princess Qionghua said was the truth.

She glared at Chu Yuanzhou viciously, then went behind the curtain and picked up the suit that Princess Qionghua had prepared for her.

As soon as the clothes were unfolded, she could clearly see what the clothes looked like. The clothes were light pink, covered with pearls, and there were extremely complicated patterns on the cuffs.

Mixing pink and white, it becomes the cutest color in the world, but it also makes people feel tender to the extreme.

When Yun Qian saw that suit, she wanted to die. Such a suit was very characteristic of Princess Qionghua, but she didn't seem to have much choice in the scene before her.

She gritted her teeth and put it on, and when Princess Qionghua came out from behind the curtain, she said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, it really depends on the clothes, Qianqian, after you put on this set of clothes, you will look a lot more noble and look better." Beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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