Chapter 172
Seeing Yun Qian's upstart appearance, Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly and said, "My aunt's clothes are really beautiful, but I think the most useful thing is not to make Qian Qian look like a fairy, but to make Qian Qian look like a fairy When Qianqian has no money to eat, she cuts off a pearl and trades it for a meal."

Yun Qian sighed and said: "My son says he loves me so much, but what he does is so ruthless. You eat delicious food and drink spicy food in Chu Palace, but you can't get enough to eat in Yun Mansion. Can you bear it if you don't wear warm clothes?"

She didn't want to win sympathy in front of him, but she couldn't help but want to say something when she heard what he said.

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly: "Of course I can't bear it, so I prepared a small gift for you, and put it on your carriage. You will know after a while."

He kind of expected her to see what he had prepared for her.

Yunqian raised her eyebrows, but she didn't say anything more. For her, with the more than 1000 taels of silver she got from Chu Han last night, it was enough for her to use for a while. Sly fox, she didn't expect him to give her anything valuable.

After the three of them walked out of the room, Princess Qionghua found that no one noticed them. Chu Han and Chu Mo had already left, and they only talked to the steward when they left.

Princess Qionghua and Chu Yuanzhou were a little curious about what happened that made them leave so early.

But Yun Qian knew that she was responsible for their leaving. The poison on the doorknob would be stained when they pulled the door, and then follow the way men went to the toilet, and a little poison would be stained on their lifeblood.

Poison never needs to be used too much, just a little bit is enough to make them suffer.

She turned her head and glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, thinking to herself that if he also went to the toilet to get a little more, it would also calm down her anger from being crushed by him yesterday.

It's just that Yun Qian's wish couldn't come true, and Chu Yuanzhou didn't even go to the toilet before leaving Cailian Bieyuan.

When Yunqian was about to leave, Ye Wuchen also left with Ye Wuyan, and the three of them met unexpectedly at the gate of Cailian Bieyuan.

Ye Wuyan developed a high fever at this time, lying there motionless, Ye Wuchen's wind chill also seemed to be a bit heavier, it seemed that he was still running a fever, and there was a strange blush on his face.

He glanced at Yun Qian, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Yunqian didn't care how he looked at her at first, but seeing his gaze now, she smiled back indifferently.

She smiled very casually, there was no trace of displeasure in those bright eyes, and there was even some emptiness in those eyes, there was no trace of Ye Wuchen in those vacant eyes.

When Ye Wuchen saw her like this, he used to think that he wouldn't believe her words that she didn't see him in her eyes, but at this moment, he really believed it, because she didn't see him at all. .

It is impossible for people who truly love each other to have such eyes.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were cold, and he turned his head away, a pool of clear water opened up in front of his eyes, and lotus leaves spread out in front of his eyes as green as emeralds.

He felt that he was useless, he could be without him in her eyes when he was in front of her, but only when he turned his head away could he be without her.

He gritted his teeth, and was helped by the villain into the carriage. He forced himself not to look at Yun Qian again.

Yun Qian also got into the carriage very calmly, without looking at him again.

(End of this chapter)

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