第173章 浪漫情话
Yun Qian bent down to pick up the jade rabbit, but the jade rabbit jumped again, her brows were slightly frowned.

After so many times, Yutu finally stopped in front of a purple nanmu art cabinet in front of the carriage. She hesitated for a moment, then opened the cabinet door, only to find a box decorated with flowers inside.

Yunqian felt that Chu Yuanzhou was indeed a master who knew how to please women, and women did not have much immunity to beautiful things.

She stretched out her hand to hug the box, but she didn't want to think that the box was a bit heavy, so she didn't pick it up for a while, she couldn't help being stunned, and it took a lot of strength to hug the box out.

She opened the lid of the box, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and suddenly found that the letter of engagement he gave her yesterday was on it.

She felt that the marriage between the two was just using each other, and she didn't care too much about it. After getting his letter of engagement yesterday, she put it aside casually. If you lose it, at worst, ask him for another copy.

Now it seems that she really lost that letter of engagement, and then he picked it up.

After she picked up the document, she realized that the not too big box was full of jewels. She was not very knowledgeable, but she also knew that those jewels were worth a lot, and there was actually a luminous pearl the size of a goose egg inside. , When that luminous pearl can become a national treasure in the 21st century.

She smiled faintly when she saw these, and when she was about to put the document back, a piece of paper fell out. She picked it up and looked, but saw that it said: "Although I don't care about the etiquette, I still go with the flow, night and day." Wuchen marrying you is nothing more than an engagement of ten thousand gold. I marry you and I will suppress him. Silver and gold bars are too vulgar, and you can’t move them. These jewels can also add glory to you. If you are happy, you can hang all these things On the body, it brightens the eyes of those snobs in Yunfu."

Yunqian couldn't help laughing when she saw the note. She thought he never cared about her situation in Yunfu, but she didn't expect him to notice it too. These things are just for her appearance. There are these things Standing next to her, the people in Yunfu were afraid to think about it when they bullied her.

The corners of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly, but he suddenly remembered something. He had seen her a few times in Yunfu, but he never showed up in front of others. Earlier, he thought that he was afraid that she would entangle him and was unwilling to take responsibility.

Now it seems that he is going to marry her, this idea does not exist, so the only guess is that he doesn't show up in front of people because he doesn't want her to be difficult.Even though she has the ability to deal with the people in Yunfu, she had nothing before, so she was too passive.

Although he did it blatantly during the trip to Mingzhong Mountain, it was after the marriage contract and in public. It was he who made an appointment with her, not her with him.

Although this seems to be nothing, it is actually different in essence. He had a reputation of being frivolous, and he asked her out because he was interested in her.And if he was discovered in Yunqianli, then she was hiding him, which would be a disaster for her.

Yun Qian could have figured out these reasons a long time ago, but she didn't believe that he had such thoughts.

Now that the agreement has been made, the marriage between her and him is considered to be completely settled.

She saw a drop of blood next to the box, and she remembered how he looked when he came to her yesterday, and thought that before he came to her, he was preparing the box, but his wound was cracked like that.

Thinking of this, Yun Qian couldn't help feeling warm.

It's just that she thought again, the incident yesterday was also caused by him, but no matter what, he saved her, and when she and Su Rushi got into a ball, he let her make Su Rushi angry If so.

When she was angry yesterday, she still felt that he was helping Su Rushi, but now thinking about it, he stopped the fight because he was afraid that Su Rushi would hurt her.

Thinking of this made her feel warmer.

At this moment, she heard Huanyu, who was sitting in the front of the carriage, say in surprise: "There are so many petals, so beautiful!"

Yun Qian was slightly startled when she heard the words, and hurriedly opened the curtain of the car, but saw that it was raining petals in the sky at this time, and they were falling one after another. Walking along the lake this time, it was like being in a fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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