Chapter 174 Apricot Blossom Spring Rain
It's late spring now, and I don't know where those petals come from.

But I saw a lake with clear water, surrounded by green mountains, and petals were falling from the trees on the cliff. I don’t know what Chu Yuanzhou used to control the speed of those petals falling. It’s just such a romance. Few women in the world can match it. escaped.

When the sound of the clear flute came, Yunqian followed the sound, but saw a slender man standing on the lotus leaf not far away. With just one glance, she recognized that it was Chu Yuanzhou.

At this time, he was dressed in white and stood on top of the lotus leaves. His black hair was tied with a ribbon of the same color, hanging lightly behind his head, and the breeze blew up his slightly loose robe. Yunqian felt that his appearance at this time had a lonely and independent look, but also ethereal like a banished immortal.

She remembered that there were rumors about him in the world, and she was afraid that none of those rumors was the real him.

The more she wanted to get along with him, the more she didn't know what kind of person he was.

Yunqian's body is proficient in rhythm, and after listening to it for a while, she can clearly hear that the song is "Apricot Blossom Spring Rain"

She couldn't help but softly said: "That year, when the spring rain wet my clothes, and the flowers fell lightly, I once entered the apricot forest with you. The wind blows my long hair, and the warmth between my fingers, the beauty of the world is no match for a touch of quicksand in your hands." .Thousands of sails are gone, and you and I are left alone to compose the eternal song in this world."

She froze for a moment after finishing the massage. This sentence seemed to be written by the real body of this body. The beautiful scenery in front of her touched the memory in her heart, and the water in the lake of her heart also slightly rippled.

When the rain of flowers fell, he played the flute for her, and the breeze blew, which has become the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Yunqian thought of Chu Yuanzhou's injuries. Even though she had excellent medical skills, she healed his injuries last night and cured the residual poison, but yesterday's wounds were cracked like that. She knew that his injuries were not serious, but at this moment he But like a normal person.

Her eyebrows were raised, and she finally understood why Chu Yuanzhou was full of peach blossoms. Apart from the incomparable status of the Chu Palace, he himself is also very good, and he knows what women are thinking. It is a strange thing not to have peach blossoms all over.

He is really a passionate man, probably the most ruthless person in the world!
The reason why he treats her like this is because she is a little different from other women, which makes him interested in her.

When she thought about it, her heart became quiet again.

Yunqian thinks it's a good thing to be courted by him so deliberately, she just needs to keep her heart, and then enjoy the romance he bestowed on her.It is also a very interesting thing to fall in love with such a man.

The sound of the flute followed the carriage out of the South Lake and then disappeared. It was almost noon when Yun Qian returned to Yun Mansion.

Yun Yan stood on the porch of the second courtyard and covered her lips with a light smile, "Fifth Sister is definitely back. Last night, Princess Qionghua ordered someone to report to the mansion that Fifth Sister would be staying there. It was really surprising."

"What surprised my sister?" Yun Qian asked with a smile.

The corners of Yun Yan's mouth hooked slightly: "Princess Qionghua is the number one slut in the capital. It is rumored that her mansion and other courtyards have a lot of male favorites. The fifth sister is a lady of every family. After all, going to that kind of place is a bit uncomfortable. Appropriate, not to mention spending the night there."

After hearing Yun Yan's words, Yun Qian remembered that Princess Qionghua hadn't been stopped when she took her out of the Yun Mansion. Su Qiaohui presumably had given her instructions, but she just wanted to wait for her to come back to deal with her.

(End of this chapter)

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