Chapter 175
Yun Qian smiled lightly and said: "My sister also said that those things are just rumors. I didn't see any male pets when I lived in Cailian Courtyard last night. Since my sister is so disdainful to Princess Qionghua, why don't you tell me in front of her?" Say these words face to face?"

Yun Yan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, Yun Qian smiled and wanted to pass her in, but she said again: "I heard that the prince was also picking lotus in the other courtyard last night?"

"That's right, the prince is here." Yun Qian replied calmly.

Yun Yan chuckled lightly and said: "The prince is the most romantic person in the capital, Fifth Sister didn't go back to the house last night, so I guess it's because I don't want to part with the prince!"

"That's right." Yun Qian replied with a smile: "I really don't want to be separated from Shizi. Shizi may be a bit flirtatious, but he only flirts with the woman he likes. It was called Zhongshan's trip that day, and my sister is also a flower to Shizi. I thought about it, but Shizi didn't look at my sister."

She was extremely polite to Yun Yan earlier, but for some people, she really thought she was great if she paid her a respect.

Yun Yan was very angry when she heard the words, Yun Qian's words were accusing her of being too frivolous, and she was even saying that she was not as good as Yun Qian, her scheming was much deeper than Yun Luo and the others, and she said with a suppressed anger: " Fifth Sister, don't be too quick to talk, your girl who hasn't left the cabinet hasn't returned all night, and your father and mother are waiting for you in the hall!"

Yun Qian covered her lips with a smile and said, "Father and mother are looking for me, just send a little maid to report. Today, my sister came to report in person. I am very grateful. This also proves the deep love between us as sisters."

Yun Yan sneered and said, "Sisters love each other deeply? That's natural. I love Fifth Sister the most."

Yun Qian walked past her with a smile, her chin slightly raised, her beautiful eyes were filled with a faint smile, so bright and beautiful.

Looking at Yun Qian like this, Yun Yan felt a little blocked in her heart. She had always thought that she was the most outstanding of all the girls in the Yun family. No matter in terms of beauty, temperament and talent, no one could surpass her.

But looking at Yun Qian's appearance today, she suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, and faintly felt that Yun Qian seemed to be better than her.

She couldn't figure it out, how could Yun Qian, who was so cowardly before, become so radiant in such a short period of time?

Yun Qian walked slowly to the hall, where both Yun Jingyan and Su Qiaohui were sitting, with the old lady sitting in the middle.

Her eyes glanced at Su Qiaohui, but she saw that she was wearing a bright red dress today, with a smile on her face, but her eyes were full of ice.

Seeing the formation, Yun Qian sneered in her heart, but she smiled obediently and bowed to the three of them.

The old lady nodded lightly and said, "Fifth girl, why didn't you come back all night last night?"

"Respond to grandma's words." Yunqian replied incomparably gentle, she said in a low voice: "Yesterday, I was invited by Princess Qionghua to visit the lake in Yunfu, and I ran into my eldest cousin and Yefu brothers and sisters. Relapse, doctor, I don’t want to be moved in the end when I get sick, so Princess Qionghua let me stay in Cailian courtyard for one night.”

The old lady's face was originally a little cold, but after hearing Yun Qian's words, the coldness faded away, and she asked worriedly: "Your illness has not relapsed for a while, why did it happen again?"

Yun Qian lowered her head slightly, bit her lip and said, "I can't remember what happened yesterday."

The old lady looked at Shuxiu and said, "Shuxiu, come and tell me what happened yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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