Chapter 1706 A Dogfight

Xue Xinyi originally hoped to make a fortune from Dudu, but he felt that this matter should not be too explicit, so today he sent a letter to Yunzheng.

Yunzheng came as he expected, but the current Yunzheng has obviously changed greatly from four years ago, and she is no longer the woman who can be deceived by him before.

He originally wanted to sell Yunzheng a huge favor, and then lured Yunzheng to go to Yefu to steal a lot of money, and then he took Yunzheng and Dudu as hostages, and then asked Yefu for more money.

His calculation is very good, one part of the money from the sale of favors, and another part of the money from the kidnapping. After getting these two parts of money, he can take over the mountain and then leave the capital to live his good life.

It's just that Yunzheng has changed, she is no longer the weak woman who obeyed him four years ago.

This made him very disappointed, but he also felt that it would be alright for Yunzheng to know, at worst, he would just ask Yefu for a little more money.

Thinking of this, he felt a little terrified again.

Xue Xinyi sneered and said, "You don't care who I hook up with, anyway, you won't be able to escape today."

Yunzheng was furious when she heard the words, but she was a weak woman with Dudu in her arms, so how could she be Xue Xinyi's opponent? He bites down.

Xue Xinyi was bitten so badly that he immediately reached out to hit Yunzheng, but was grabbed by two hands, Xue Xinyi said angrily: "Who is meddling here?"

He turned his head to look, but saw Ye Wuchen's furious face, Xue Xinyi was stunned for a moment, Ye Wuchen was famous all over the capital, Xue Xinyi had seen him before, so he recognized him at a glance.

Ye Wuchen said angrily: "You bully my wife and children, and you dare to say that I am meddling!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the stone in his hand and threw it directly at Xue Xinyi's head. Xue Xinyi didn't expect Ye Wuchen to be so violent, and he was shocked. Some groggy.

He knew that something like this happened today, and only by getting Ye Wuchen settled would he be able to continue his dream, so he let go of Yunzheng, stretched out his hand to pinch Ye Wuchen's neck, and opened his mouth Shouted loudly: "What are you still doing there, come out and help!"

Xue Xinyi dared to do what he wanted today, and he had thought about the consequences, so he had a few helpers around him, but no one came out to help him when he yelled, he couldn't help being stunned, why didn't anyone come out? what's going on?

Seeing Ye Wuchen suddenly appear, Yunzheng was both surprised and happy, and didn't think about why he came here for a while, the thing to do now is how to get out.When she heard Xue Xinyi calling for help, she was full of worry. She knew that Ye Wuchen was just a scholar, so she might not be able to beat Xue Xinyi. If Xue Xinyi had a helper, then the two of them might be fierce More good luck less.

It's just that she looked around and saw no one coming out, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

And over there, Ye Wuchen had already wrestled with Xue Xinyi. Ye Wuchen was not strong at first, but he was burned by the fire yesterday, and he had wounds on his body. He was afraid that Xue Xinyi had already knocked him out.

Seeing this scene, Yunzheng was very anxious, afraid that Xue Xinyi would hurt Ye Wuchen, but she is a weak woman, holding Dudu in her arms, and it is difficult to help if she wants to, but what can she do now ?

(End of this chapter)

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