Chapter 1707 Ugly and Not Ugly
Seeing that Ye Wuchen was at a disadvantage, Yunzheng immediately put her heart on hold, hugged Dudu with one hand, picked up a stone on the ground with the other, and smashed it heavily on the back of Xue Xinyi's head.

Xue Xinyi was hit on the back of the head once before, but this time she threw it down again, Xue Xinyi rolled his eyes, then his body went limp, and Ye Wuchen hurriedly got up from the ground.

It was the first time for Yunzheng to hit someone at such a young age, seeing Xue Xinyi's appearance, she didn't know whether she was alive or dead, so she swallowed, feeling a little scared in her heart.

After Ye Wuchen stood up, he hugged her in his arms and said, "Are you alright?"

Yunzheng turned to look at him after hearing his words, but saw that his snow-colored robe was covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed, but his eyes were full of concern, and her tears flowed down immediately .

Seeing her crying, Ye Wuchen thought she was injured, and asked with concern: "Are you injured? Where is it?"

"I'm fine." Yunzheng wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with her hand and said, "Are you injured?"

Ye Wuchen shook his head lightly, but Yunzheng found the wound on his body and asked in surprise, "What about your face?"

Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "It's from the burn yesterday, it's okay, as long as you and me are fine."

After hearing his words, Yunzheng looked at Du Du with worried eyes and said, "I've been holding him for nearly an hour, but he hasn't cried or made trouble all the time. I don't know if there's something wrong?"

When Yunzheng was holding Dudu before, she thought he was asleep, but just now she had a fight with Xue Xinyi, and Ye Wuchen fought with Xue Xinyi again, but Dudu didn't wake up at all, she A little bit of uneasiness finally rose in my heart.

Ye Wuchen knew that there were some changes in the palace today, Chu Mo was injured, the imperial doctors in the palace might be too busy to take care of the capital, and he didn't trust the medical skills of other doctors, so he immediately said: " Let's go to Chu Palace."

Yunzheng nodded. At this moment, several Jingjiwei came over. Ye Wuchen briefly explained what happened here, and Jingjiwei picked up Xue Xinyi. One of them was Jingjiwei. Knowing Xue Xinyi, after seeing his face, he said: "This scumbag has committed a lot of things on weekdays, but he is very cunning. We tried to catch him several times before, but he escaped when we didn't want to. This time Thank you Lord Ye for your help in catching this conscientious thief who kidnapped a woman from a good family."

Ye Wuchen just nodded slightly, Yunzheng's face was a little uncomfortable, Ye Wuchen gently took her hand and said: "It's over, don't think about it anymore."

Ye Wuchen's words made Yunzheng stunned for a moment, she said softly: "I think you have been here for a while, and you have heard a lot of what I said to him, right?"

"Yes." Ye Wuchen admitted directly: "I've heard a lot, so don't blame you for those things."

Yunzheng's eyes turned red when she heard the words. All along, she knew that Ye Wuchen was a well-educated and reasonable person, and what he did on weekdays was not out of the style of a gentleman, but he was always very particular about etiquette.

In the matter of her and Xue Xinyi, in the final analysis, she was also at fault, and she was very refuted Ye Wuchen's face. In the final analysis, all of this was just because she was young and naive at the time, and she thought that Xue Xinyi great.

She originally thought that he would mind this matter, even if she didn't say it on the surface, she would definitely not be happy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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