Chapter 1711 Ask him to check
After Chu Yuanzhou and King Chu entered the palace, the atmosphere in the entire palace became a little tense. Concubine De went to Ming Palace early in the morning, and the emperor was sick in bed. Now he can't get up, and he can't deal with the assassination of Chu Mo.

It's just that after the emperor heard the news that the two had entered the palace, he ordered Eunuch Zhu to bring them in.

The emperor was leaning halfway on the bed, his eyes slightly squinted. Because of his illness, he looked a little tired, but from time to time there was light in those half-closed eyes.

After Chu Yuanzhou and the king of Chu saluted in front of the emperor, the emperor asked them to stand up, and he said softly: "I know why you entered the palace. I watched Yuanzhou grow up. I know very well that it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing. There must be some misunderstanding. After the King of Chu goes down, he will investigate this matter carefully and see who is so bold and dares to commit such a thing! "

The emperor's attitude made Chu Yuanzhou's eyes darken. Although the emperor was always easy to talk in front of him, he didn't think the emperor would be so easy to talk to.

Chu Mo was assassinated in the mansion. This incident can be said to be the first case since the opening of the dynasty. This incident even imitated his temperament. It was very obvious. There are still some scruples.

And this time, Maotou pointed all the way at Chu Yuanzhou. According to the emperor's scruples about the Chu Palace, he must make some reactions. He should take this opportunity to seize the military power of the Chu Palace, but Chu But Wang didn't do this, Chu Yuanzhou was really curious.

The King of Chu glanced at the emperor and said: "Brother Huang, it is better to leave this matter to the Ministry of Punishment to investigate. Yuan Zhou is the son of the minister. If the minister investigates this matter, it may be inappropriate."

The emperor waved his hand lightly and said, "I'm most at ease in entrusting this matter to you. These days, it's not easy to worry about going to the palace and the harem. It would be great to have you to help me watch over it."

The King of Chu didn't quite understand the meaning of the emperor for a while, but he heard the emperor whisper: "These sons of mine are all excellent, but they have not been very peaceful all the time, and I know it in my heart."

When King Chu heard what the emperor said, he immediately understood why the emperor had entrusted this matter to him for investigation.In the final analysis, this matter is also a scandal of the royal family. If other ministers investigate it, I am afraid that the court ministers will feel contemptuous of the royal family.

The king of Chu is the emperor's younger brother, and this matter involved Chu Yuanzhou again. The emperor is testing whether he has a different heart.

This matter seems to be the emperor's trust in the king of Chu, but in the final analysis, it is the emperor's temptation.

The king of Chu felt that he should refuse, but he also knew that if he refused at this time, the emperor would have to think twice because of his suspicion, so he gave a gentle gift and said, "Thank you, brother, for your trust."

The emperor nodded slightly, but sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "The second brother has a job as the guard of the capital. In the case of the assassination of the third brother yesterday, he also had his dereliction of duty. Let's find out where he went!"

As soon as the emperor's words fell, Chu Yuanzhou said: "Yesterday, King Jing accompanied my ministers to Feihua Bieyuan. At that time, Feihua Bieyuan was also attacked by thieves. Thanks to the presence of the second prince, I and my wife were able to return to the capital safely. This matter , if the emperor doesn't believe it, you can ask Ye Shilang."

(End of this chapter)

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