Chapter 1712
The Ye Shilang in Chu Yuanzhou's mouth refers to Ye Wuchen. Ye Wuchen is now the servant of the Ministry of Officials, and he is a third-rank official.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes darkened slightly, the emperor knew what was happening outside, Chu Yi followed him to Feihua Bieyuan yesterday, I'm afraid someone would have told the emperor a long time ago, but the emperor at this time If asked, he will naturally talk about it in detail.

The emperor smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence."

"It's indeed a coincidence." Chu Yuanzhou said with a serious face, "I'm afraid that what happened yesterday was aimed at the humble minister on the surface, but in fact it was aimed at Prince Jing."

The smile on the emperor's face froze, and soon lost his temperature. He said softly, "Come out, you heard it too."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Concubine De coming out from the curtain behind the emperor. When Chu Yuanzhou and King Chu saw her coming out, their gazes deepened at the same time.

They knew before that the emperor doted on Concubine De, but they didn't expect to dote on her to such an extent that they allowed her to listen to the emperor's questions behind his back.

Concubine De came out slowly, and saluted King Chu, who also saluted back.

Concubine De had tears on her face, she bowed down to the King of Chu, and then said softly, "My lord, please save Mo'er!"

Concubine De's actions seemed a bit sudden to the emperor, and she frowned slightly at that moment.

The King of Chu quickly helped Concubine De up and said, "Msg Concubine De, this is not allowed, if you have something to say, just say it."

Concubine De slowly stood firm and said to the King of Chu: "I really don't want to hide it. When Mo'er was assassinated yesterday, the first thing I thought of was the prince. After all, the method of doing things is very similar to the prince. It's just that I took a closer look last night. After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong, Shizi went to Feihua Bieyuan last night, he was not in the capital at all, and he had no chance to do that thing, so this thing is probably someone trying to frame Shizi!"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes became colder when he heard Concubine De's words, and they all said that the harem does not interfere in politics, but the former dynasty and the harem are often connected together, and if something happens in the former dynasty, the harem will also be involved.

And the change of the master's status in the harem will also directly affect the affairs of the previous dynasty.

The emperor has always been a wise monarch, and has always been very clear about the affairs of the harem and the former court. At this time, the emperor allowed Concubine De to intervene in this matter. In addition to this matter involving Chu Mo, there is also the emperor's feelings towards Concubine De. Partial favor.

Chu Yuanzhou has been handling political affairs by the emperor's side since the emperor was bedridden. The emperor is very satisfied with him, and he has also seen the emperor's love for concubine De.At this time, Concubine De said this, it seemed that she was talking about Chu Mo's assassination, but she was actually trying to win over Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou has always been a little disdainful of the methods used by the concubines in the harem. Now there is a cold brilliance in his eyes, but he said unhurriedly: "The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. Concubine Xie De Empress' trust."

His tone was indifferent, without a trace of emotion, and he could not hear a thank you.

Concubine De's eyes darkened when she heard his words, and the King of Chu said from the sidelines: "If you look into the fact that Yuan Zhou is not in the capital, you can get some clues. But the person behind the arrangement is really sinister. Yunqian is pregnant, and when Yuan Zhou accompanied her to Feihua Bieyuan to raise her baby, because Yuan Zhou encountered an ambush on the way to Feihua Bieyuan three years ago, so she acted more carefully this time."

(End of this chapter)

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