Chapter 1713
Concubine De's eyes deepened, King Chu took a look at her and said again: "When Yuanzhou left the capital, he mobilized all the guards around him, but he didn't want to be used by those who wanted to discredit the whole thing, please Your majesty and concubine de concubine are very careful."

The King of Chu’s words sounded like he was explaining the matter of Chu Yuanzhou’s mobilization of troops yesterday, but the point of the conversation was that Chu Yuanzhou was also a victim, and Chu Yuanzhou found a suitable reason and reason for hastily mobilizing people to Feihua Bieyuan. Excuse.

"Is the imperial concubine pregnant?" Concubine De was a little surprised.

"Yes." Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "I found out about it the day before yesterday. Before I went to the court yesterday, I stumbled with Qianqian, but I didn't want to make her angry, and then I went to Feihua Bieyuan to raise a baby." , I was worried that something would happen, so I hurried away. Yesterday, because of this incident, the emperor was alarmed, and I asked the emperor to come down."

The emperor knew his style, and yesterday he was still guessing what was going on that made Chu Yuanzhou so urgent, but he didn't expect it to be because of Yun Qian.Chu Yuanzhou's love for Yunqian was to the extreme, and the emperor's eyes became darker.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw the emperor's gaze, his heart sank, but his face remained extremely calm.

Concubine De said with a smile: "Congratulations to your son!"

Chu Yuanzhou returned the gift, with a hint of joy on the corner of his mouth, but sighed again: "It's just that the capital is really not peaceful now, there are troubles everywhere, but fortunately I rushed over yesterday, otherwise I'm afraid that Qianqian's life will be lost. Fortunately, King Jing has been following those culprits and cooperated with my men to kill them all. It's just that it was too late after finishing the matter last night, and Qianqian was pregnant, that's why I didn't go back to the capital overnight, and I was afraid of another accident, so I forced Prince Jing to stay with me there, I didn't want such a big thing to happen in Beijing, it's no wonder Jing king."

What he said was to excuse Chu Yi, and also to extract Chu Yi from the matter of Chu Mo's killing.

Concubine De originally wanted to win over Chu Yuanzhou, but she didn't expect him to be like a loach. Before she could say anything, he had already left the matter clean, and everything was reasonable.

Concubine De's hand under her sleeve has already clenched into a fist. If she had only been skeptical about Chu Yuanzhou helping Chu Yi before, then she has already believed it completely at this time.

Chu Yi's ability has been fully demonstrated in the past few years when he was a guard in Beijing, and Concubine De has always had a grudge against him.

If Chu Yi can get the help of the entire Chu Palace, then it will be a stronger opponent than Chu Shu. Her hands are full of uneasiness, but she still smiles: "The relationship between King Jing and the prince is very close. It is really enviable to leave Beijing for the son's affairs."

Chu Yuanzhou naturally heard the provocative meaning in her words, and he immediately said unhurriedly: "Did Concubine De concubine hear something wrong just now, Prince Jing is following a group of thieves this time. The one from Feihua Bieyuan didn’t come there because of me. Although the result is the same, the motivation is different. If Empress De Fei explained it like this, I’m afraid it will cause the emperor to misunderstand.”

His words were extremely straightforward, Concubine De's face changed slightly, and she said softly: "This is also quite interesting, King Jing can find the thief who is dealing with the son, but he cannot find the thief who is dealing with Mo'er, Prince Jing is too partial some."

(End of this chapter)

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