Chapter 1714 is really angry

Concubine De was a little regretful at this time, why did she remove the reputation of assassinating Chu Mo for Chu Yuanzhou as soon as she came out, now it's not easy to talk about that matter, but she doesn't want Chu Yuanzhou to really help Chu Yi This time, she must let Chu Yuanzhou know how powerful she is, and then stand on the opposite team in the future court.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted and said: "The things mentioned today seem to be the affairs of the previous dynasty. Even if Empress De Fei cares about King Ming, is it not appropriate to doubt me and Prince Jing at this time?"

His words were still very straightforward, but they had hidden needles in the cotton, piercing directly into Concubine De's vitals.

Chu Yuanzhou has always hated bickering with women, because he hated Concubine De's way of bickering, so he didn't give any face when he spoke.

What Concubine De was thinking, he knew very well, but he didn't need to be too polite to such a vicious person as Concubine De.

Chu Yuanzhou also had an eyeliner in the palace, he knew very clearly how Concubine De was going to find out about Dudu's affairs, and how to deal with Dudu's affairs.Concubine De originally wanted to use the queen's hand to kill Du Du, so that Ye Wuchen could completely hate Chu Shu. He could understand this kind of thinking, and he also knew that those in power were always cruel, but they hated women who attacked children very much.

Concubine De's complexion changed slightly, and she was about to speak, when the emperor who had been watching the show finally said: "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, this matter is a matter of the previous court, you don't need to ask."

After hearing the emperor's words, Concubine De knew that the emperor had already cared about what Chu Yuanzhou said just now, and her provocative words, in the emperor's view, were just trying to win something for Chu Mo.

She immediately took out the veil and wiped the corners of her eyes: "The concubine naturally knows that the harem is not allowed to be involved in politics, but this time it was the concubine's son who was injured, so how can the concubine not care? If there is anything wrong, please let me know." Your Majesty forgive me!"

She looks so pitiful, vividly portraying the tenderness of a woman and the concern of a good wife and mother.

Seeing her like this, Chu Yuanzhou felt a little disgusted, but seeing the emperor's dignified expression, he sighed softly after seeing her like this: "I know how you feel, it's just this King Jing and Jingcheng Yin will investigate the matter, so don't ask any more questions, and they will tell you when they have the result."

Concubine De nodded gently, and the emperor said again: "You have worked hard for a long time today, go back and rest first!"

After Concubine De stepped back, the emperor coughed lightly and said to Chu Yuanzhou, "How does Yuanzhou see this matter?"

"None of the ministers in the court has the guts to assassinate the prince." Chu Yuanzhou made a very simple summary.

The emperor's complexion became a little ugly, Chu Yuanzhou added softly after seeing his complexion: "The fourth prince has been locked up in the clan mansion for such a long time, when does the emperor plan to release him?"

The emperor didn't expect that Chu Yuanzhou would suddenly ask about this matter, so he narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think this matter has something to do with him?"

"I don't dare to think like this." Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "It's just that if something happens to King Ming, who does the Emperor think will benefit the most?"

There was a hint of gloom in the emperor's eyes, and he coughed heavily again. He cared about this kind of thing the most, and this time he was really angry, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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