Chapter 1715 Cannibalism
Eunuch Zhu, who was standing by, was shocked, and hurriedly called out: "Imperial doctor!"

Because the emperor was ill, several imperial doctors were always on duty at the back of his tent. Hearing the call from Eunuch Zhang, he rushed out to take the emperor's pulse. A little helpless.

After the King of Chu helped the emperor to lie down, after seeing the imperial doctor give the emperor the injection, he took the imperial doctor to the outer room and asked, "How is the emperor's condition?"

The imperial doctor sighed and said: "There are good times and bad times, the emperor is weak now, the most important thing is not to get angry, just now he got angry, which made his condition aggravated, now the lower officials can only prescribe prescriptions to relieve it."

"Can't it be cured?" King Chu asked again.

The imperial doctor shook his head and said: "The emperor values ​​the prince the most. If you want to come to the prince, the emperor will listen to it. The prince still persuades the emperor to stop worrying about the affairs of the court, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what about?" King Chu's eyes darkened again.

The imperial doctor sighed lightly and said: "Otherwise, the emperor is afraid that his condition will get worse at any time."

His words were very cryptic, but both King Chu and Chu Yuanzhou could hear what the emperor's condition worsened. He remembered Yun Qian's conclusion about the emperor's condition, and his eyes darkened.

At this moment, the eunuch outside the door came in and said, "Prince Jing is here."

The imperial doctor hurriedly said: "Prince Jing came at the right time, and now only the pill in Prince Jing's hand can relieve the emperor's condition."

"If the pills in Prince Jing's hand can relieve the emperor's condition, why don't you take more?" King Chu asked.

The Chief Physician sighed and said, "I'm ashamed to say that although King Jing gave us a pill, the composition of the medicine in it is really too unorthodox, and we have adjusted the dosage many times, but we can't prepare it anyway. No pills like that come out."

King Chu frowned slightly, and at this time Chu Yi had been invited in by the eunuch. After Chu Yi saluted King Chu, seeing that the emperor was seriously ill, he took out a pill and fed it to the emperor.

King Chu and Chu Yuanzhou saw Chu Yi coming, and after a few people said a few polite and caring words, King Chu and Chu Yuanzhou left the palace.

On the way back to the palace, King Chu kept frowning. Chu Yuanzhou glanced at King Chu and said, "Stop guessing about the emperor's illness. He may have some illnesses in his body, but it's what made him sick." But it is poison, and it is a very special poison, and the person who prescribes it is very clever."

The King of Chu was stunned for a moment and said, "Who is so bold?"

"Who knows." Chu Yuanzhou lazily said: "He has so many sons, maybe some of them are always looking forward to his early death!"

King Chu's eyes widened when he heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou saw him looking over, and said unhurriedly: "You don't have to look at me like this. Although I have always disliked you, I still can't do such a thing as killing my father."

"I know nonsense all day long." King Chu said angrily.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "I'm telling the truth. Although the father and king had a lot of wives and concubines back then, there were not too many concubines in the mansion, especially the concubines. In addition, the father and the king are not as good at raising sons as the emperor. Not every son is so good, when I occupied the position of the eldest son, although some people were always unhappy, they could only be unhappy. Otherwise, you may have to be careful about being drugged by your own son."

(End of this chapter)

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