Chapter 1716 What is power
The King of Chu gave Chu Yuanzhou another hard look, but he just raised his eyebrows with a calm expression.

The king of Chu couldn't help but sighed softly, knowing that although Chu Yuanzhou's words were unpleasant, they were true, and he didn't know what it was like for a while.

However, Chu Yuanzhou reached out and climbed onto King Chu's back and said, "Thank you, Father, for entering the palace with me today. If you don't accompany me, I'm afraid Concubine Li De will have to buckle me again today." You will be accused of a crime, and then you will be bribed. Speaking of which, I used to think you were a fool, but today, in front of the emperor, I have seen the skill of my father Wang Laotiao."

The king of Chu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and cursed: "Nizi, you've been talking nonsense all day long, have you ever seen anyone say that your father is an old fritter?"

"I haven't seen it before." Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "But don't my father think that the word "Lao Youtiao" is much more cordial than drugging my own father?"

The King of Chu was slightly stunned, and suddenly he was speechless.

But Chu Yuanzhou looked at King Chu with a smile and said, "The matter of the emperor's poisoning, I'm afraid I will have to trouble my father to brag about it in front of the emperor. The emperor will definitely not believe what other people say."

"What do you want to do?" King Chu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes moved slightly, but he smiled lightly and said, "Father knows my temperament. My temper has never been very good, especially not to be disadvantaged. This time, others have calculated me like this once." , if I don't return it, it's too in line with my usual behavior."

What he said was a little outrageous, but King Chu knew that he was serious this time.

King Chu looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Don't mess around!"

"Who messed up!" Chu Yuanzhou said with some disdain: "A person who messes up when he gets angry, how can he do anything, father, you have too little confidence in your son."

The King of Chu's eyes darkened slightly, and Chu Yuanzhou's eyes moved slightly again and said, "If I'm not mistaken, if the Emperor doesn't vomit blood today, he will leave us there, and what we should mention later is the Prince Chu's Mansion." military power."

The king of Chu thought of the reason why the emperor vomited blood just now, and couldn't help but glance at Chu Yuanzhou again. His son's scheming was much deeper than he imagined, and his eyes moved slightly: "Why, you changed your mind again Woolen cloth?"

The change of mind he said was because when the father and son had a heart-to-heart talk, Chu Yuanzhou said that he didn't want the world's affairs.

Chu Yuanzhou naturally heard what he said, and immediately smiled and said: "That's not true, it's just that after yesterday's incident, I feel that I have changed a lot. Obviously I can do everything very actively. And why do you have to be so passively restrained?"

The king of Chu was stunned for a moment, and Chu Yuanzhou's eyes burst into a coolness and said: "Why did our father and son enter the palace like this today? The reason is that we don't want to cause trouble to the upper body. It's just that you have seen the scene in front of the emperor today. Most of the time, it’s not that we can avoid it if we don’t want to provoke it, and there are always some blind people who insist on bumping into it.”

The King of Chu was slightly startled, took a closer look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Could it be that you want to..."

"Didn't they always think that the power of the Chu Palace is too great? Then I will show them what the power of the Chu Palace is." Chu Yuanzhou's eyes showed a murderous intent, and the domineering power spread around him. leak out.

(End of this chapter)

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