Chapter 1718 Who Seduces Who?
Yunyan also liked Chu Yuanzhou before, in Yunyan's view, although Chu Yuanzhou rejected her before, she put everything on Yunqian, if it wasn't for Yunqian's love for Chu Yuanzhou that day She was seduced in every possible way, so she would be the one who married into the Prince Chu's mansion.

What she hated was that Chu Yuanzhou was so blind that he actually chose that bitch Yunqian. She was many times stronger than Yunqian!
Although she has held the position of the main concubine of the Ming Palace all these years, her life is not as good as that of an ordinary concubine.

In the past three years, Chu Mo has almost never stayed in her room, let alone looked at her directly. If Chu Mo hadn't been assassinated this time, she might still be locked in the room and unable to get out.

She used to have some affection for Chu Mo, but after these years of torture, her affection for him has completely disappeared, leaving only deep hatred.

She glanced at Chu Mo lying on the bed, and then at Chu Yuanzhou, who was in high spirits, and Chu Yuanzhou looked more and more handsome.

When Chu Yuanzhou saw Yun Yan's eager eyes, he hated it very much, but there was a faint smile on his face, his smile made Yun Yan's heart beat a lot faster.

Chu Yuanzhou asked: "How is King Ming?"

"Young Master Lao is concerned." Yun Yan said softly: "The imperial doctor just left, saying that the prince just suffered a traumatic injury and it doesn't matter. You can recover after a period of recuperation."

"So I'm relieved." Chu Yuanzhou's eyes moved slightly, and he said with a smile: "In this way, Princess Lao will take good care of her."

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave, but he stopped when he reached the door, he twisted and smiled faintly, Yun Yan's heart beat faster, but he said unhurriedly: "The hairpin on Wangfei's head is crooked."

Yun Yan was stunned for a moment, but he turned his head and walked out. Her face was reddish, and her heart burst into ecstasy. Chu Yuanzhou just reminded her that he must have noticed her before he said this. What does this mean?

Her eyes moved slightly, and her heart was filled with joy, but she said slowly: "Thank you for reminding me, my son."

The change of expression on Yunyan's face naturally fell into the eyes of Yunyan who was serving Chu Mo. Yunyan's life in Ming Palace these few years has not been easy, but it is much better than Yunyan. At least she is free and can Walk freely in the palace.

Seeing this scene, she sneered in her heart, but didn't speak.

When Chu Yuanzhou heard Yun Yan's words outside the door, his face was full of frost.

He still remembered Yun Yan's nympho look when she saw him before, but now that he thinks about it, he just finds it a little funny, this woman is really despicable, and she is really a perfect match by Chu Mo's side.

When the Queen heard the news that Chu Yuanzhou and the King of Chu had entered the palace together, she felt a little nervous, and asked the maid beside her to inquire about the news. After the maid came back, she replied, "The King of Chu and his son have left the palace."

"Just leave the palace like this? What does the emperor say?" The queen asked, her eyes were full of urgency and unwillingness. She originally thought that the emperor would ask a few more questions about this matter no matter what, even if the emperor didn't ask, Concubine De would definitely let it go, but the scene in front of her made her a little disappointed.

The palace maid shook her head and said: "The servant girl asked Xiao Lizi who was on duty. He was outside at the time, and the room was very calm. Neither the emperor nor Concubine De reprimanded them. Then the emperor fell ill, and then Prince Jing entered the palace. Serve the emperor there."

(End of this chapter)

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