Chapter 1719 Her Plan
The queen's eyes were narrowed into a line. She knew that yesterday's arrangement was a bit rough, but it was because of this roughness that people were more suspicious. All the hairs pointed directly at the vortex hidden in her heart, and the purpose was to make Chu Mo Focusing on Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Yi makes people doubt these two people.

It's just that the queen thought about many consequences, but she didn't expect that this matter would end so quietly. Seeing this, there was no movement from Concubine De's side, and there was not much movement from Chu Yuanzhou's side either. I felt a little uneasy all of a sudden.

She exhaled softly and began to figure out what was wrong with the whole thing in her mind.

At this moment, the eunuch at the door came in and said, "Empress, the third lady of Prince Chu's residence, please see me."

Originally, Chu Tianqi was not allowed to enter and leave the palace at will, but the queen gave her a jade pendant after meeting Chu Tianqi at the Prince Chu's mansion last time, as long as Chu Tianqi held the jade pendant, she could enter and leave the palace at any time.

When the queen heard that Chu Tianqi was coming, her eyes flickered slightly, but she said, "Please come in."

After Chu Tianqi came in to salute, the queen said: "Why did you choose to enter the palace at this time? Is there something urgent?"

There were tears in Chu Tianqi's eyes, and she said softly: "Empress, our previous plan may have failed."

Hearing what she said, the queen was about to back away, and then looked at her and said: "You are really stupid, to think of such a stupid way, your brother is really useless, he can't do a little thing well .”

Find out Chu Mo's weakness, and then target his weakness. This was Chu Tianqi's initial suggestion to the queen.

The queen thought about it and felt that the only person who could control Chu Mo was Ye Wuchen. As long as she pulled Ye Wuchen into her camp, it would be equivalent to breaking one of Chu Mo's arms, and she and After Chu Shu's plans and discussions, the result was the kidnapping of Dudu.

Because Ye Wuchen has done things in Beijing all these years, and he can't take advantage of his shortcomings. His only weakness is Dudu, his only son. This matter was arranged by Chu Tianyou, but he did not expect to attract Chu Yuanzhou and Chu. Yi has made a move.

And according to Ye Wuchen's temperament, after Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Yi helped each other, Ye Wuchen might join their camp instead. The queen felt that it would not be easy to hide the whereabouts of the capital. This is too cheap Chu Yi.

One goes up and down, and the consequences are unimaginable.

So the Queen and Chu Tianyou were in the same mind later on, thinking that only by controlling Dudu for a long time, could Ye Wuchen work for them wholeheartedly, but they didn't expect Ye Wuchen to make another small trip, which was nothing. Make too much noise, otherwise, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

It is precisely because of this that after Concubine De came to the queen's bedroom, the queen also became murderous towards Dudu. At that time, she planned to transport Dudu out of the palace and then attack. Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanzhou's people chased him too closely , the queen's people had no choice but to throw all of them to the traffickers, and only then did they meet Xue Xinyi.

After Chu Tianqi learned the news of Chu Tianyou's kidnapping of Dudu, she couldn't bear it. She saw things farther than Chu Tianyou, but after all, she was a boudoir girl, and she couldn't see far enough, but she still felt like this It's too much to start with a child.

(End of this chapter)

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