Chapter 1747 Extraordinary skills

Zhu'er said softly: "The concubine wants to make tea for the third lady, the maidservant dare not be disrespectful, so I brought the teapot that the concubine treasured. If the concubine thinks it is inappropriate, the concubine will go and change it."

"No need." Yun Qian said lightly, "Third Sister is a rare visitor, so naturally she has to use a good teapot to make tea."

She spoke lightly, and there was no trace of displeasure in her eyes.

But she sneered in her heart, took out all the things, and Zhuer said that it was her treasured pot, if she changed it, Chu Tianqi might have to talk, since they bothered her so much to let her use this pot, She naturally had to satisfy them.

After seeing the pot, Chu Tianqi's eyes were indifferent, but she praised: "The pot of Shi Zifei is really exquisite."

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Purple clay teapot is the best for making black tea, but sparrow tongue is green tea. Zhu'er doesn't understand tea, so choosing such a tea set is quite a test of my tea skills."

The tea set of this set of purple sand teapots is naturally extremely exquisite. Whether it is the body, the handle or the spout, the lines are extremely beautiful, and the patterns on it are simple and elegant, yet elegant. Treasures.

Chu Tianqi smiled and said, "Shizi Concubine's tea skills are unparalleled in the first place, I believe this can also make excellent tea soup."

She spoke gently, and Yun Qian also smiled gently and said: "It is best to make green tea with boiled water that has been left for a while, so that the taste of the tea can be brewed best, but it will not damage the original fragrance of the tea."

While talking, she poured a little cold water into the pot, then poured boiling water in, and then covered the tea lid, but she was only slightly bored, then lifted the tea lid, and quickly poured out the first brew Come out, wash the teacup and warm the tea set.

When she brewed for the second time, since the water temperature was already low, she directly poured boiling water into it, and then brewed the tea with a very skillful technique.

Seeing Yunqian making tea, Chu Tianqi felt envious in her heart. Her technique was so elegant. She was wearing a light blue silk dress at this time. She had seen many people wearing blue, But no one can wear Yunqian's taste.

Elegant as a celestial being, calm as a chrysanthemum, her quiet eyes were full of spiritual light, when she looked over like that, Chu Tianqi clearly felt that her eyes could see through her thoughts.

Chu Tianqi tilted her head slightly unnaturally, but Yun Qian just smiled, and the chill in her eyes flickered away.

Chu Tianqi thinks she is also a beauty, but compared with Yun Qian like this, even though she hates Yun Qian, she has to admit that Yun Qian is an out-and-out beauty. They are all inferior.

Chu Tianqi lowered her head slightly, and a chill appeared in her eyes instantly. So what if Yun Qian is beautiful?She will soon become a useless person, Yun Qian will have to spend the rest of her life in pain, Chu Tianqi feels very happy just thinking about it.

Yunqian saw Chu Tianqi's slightly lowered face, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and a very faint mockery spread out from the corners of her mouth.

Her eyes were still calm, but there was no trace of warmth anymore.

Seeing that the tea was almost brewed, Yun Qian reached out to pick up the teapot, stretched out her delicate hand, and poured out the tea inside.

The tea soup is clear and has a pleasant fragrance. You can tell that the tea is good tea at a glance, and the skill of the tea maker is even more extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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