Chapter 1748 The way of persuading tea
Chu Tianqi also drank tea a lot when she was young, she also knew a thing or two about the tea ceremony, and she also knew a little about tea tasting. Now, when she saw the color of the tea soup, she knew it was the top grade among the top grades. She picked up the tea soup and put it in front of her nose to smell it. After smelling it, he praised: "It's clear to look at, and it's fragrant to smell."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Third Sister, try the tea soup again."

She spoke very gently, as if because Chu Tianqi understood her tea art, she was a little happy, and her appearance was a little more intimate, as if she had met a bosom friend.

Chu Tianqi smiled slightly, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then looked at Yun Qian and said, "It's slightly bitter in the mouth, but it's sweet after swallowing, and there seems to be a faint fragrance between the lips and teeth, good tea! I have drunk Que Tong many times, but I have never tasted such a sweet and mellow tea, the concubine Shizi's skill in making tea is really unique!"

Yun Qian said with a smile: "I can't talk about it, but I have always liked to drink tea, so I spent some time studying the tea ceremony. The prince is busy with things and has no time to drink tea. The mother and concubine are not in good health, so they don't drink tea either. In the entire palace, only Sanmei can taste the taste of this tea. It's a pity that Sanmei is going to Feihua Bieyuan and will get married soon. I can't find anyone to drink tea with. gone."

Chu Tianqi smiled, seeing that the tea soup in front of Yunqian was still there, she said with a smile: "The concubine Shi Zi made such a good tea today, why don't you drink a cup?"

"Pregnant women should not drink tea." Yun Qian said with a smile.

Chu Tianqi took a look at Yun Qian and said calmly: "Drink less and think it's fine."

Yun Qian took a look at the tea soup, but smiled slightly, and did not drink it. Chu Tianqi's eyes moved slightly, but there was a touch of coolness in them again. The waves in his eyes moved gently, and then he said slowly: "I I know that because of my mother's matter, I had some misunderstandings about the concubine, and I offended you a lot earlier, please forgive me."

Yunqian felt a little funny when she heard Chu Tianqi's words. If Chu Tianqi really wanted to apologize to her, she didn't have to wait until now. She just said flatly: "It's been many years, and I haven't taken it to heart. Let's talk about it." In the final analysis, the matter of Concubine Lu is nothing more than a misunderstanding, and it is really great that Sanmei can think about that matter."

There was a slight chill in Chu Tianqi's eyes, but she also felt that Yun Qian's words were so light, that whenever she asked for tea today, Yun Qian would make tea for her, which seemed to be a bit flattering The ingredients in her eyes grew colder.
She chuckled lightly and said, "What the Concubine Shizi said is very true. That matter was just a misunderstanding. The father is very irritable. The reason why he did it that time was because he thought that something happened to the Concubine Shizi and Wangfei."

Yun Qian secretly felt that this Chu Tianqi was a bit interesting, she made a big detour like this, but leaked out her thoughts, but she still pretended to be indifferent. It is much more interesting to watch Su Qiaohui acting in Yunfu.

The corner of her mouth slightly raised, "Third Sister makes a lot of sense."

However, Chu Tianqi had already picked up the teapot by herself, poured herself a cup of tea, and then handed it to Yun Qian, saying: "My daughter's family is not good at drinking alcohol, and the concubine is not good at drinking alcohol when she is pregnant. Today, Tianqi uses tea as a substitute. Wine, apologize to the Crown Princess."

As soon as she finished speaking, she drank the cup of tea in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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