Chapter 1762 Completely ruined
The doctor originally wanted to prescribe a prescription for Chu Tianqi, but because of the contempt in his heart, coupled with Chu Tianqi's attitude, he didn't prescribe a prescription, so he left without a prescription.

Chu Tianqi sat on the bed in a daze, her eyes staring straight.

Of course, she is very clear about her own body. All these years, she has been in the palace, and she has always guarded herself like a jade. So far, she is still a virgin, how can she have a miscarriage?
She suddenly thought of Yunqian's method, and she suddenly understood that Yunqian already knew what medicine she gave her when she gave Yunqian the medicine. Qian gave her medicine to make her unable to conceive again.

And Yunqian is already married, even if she can't bear children in the future, she will just be disgusted by Chu Yuanzhou.

But she is not married yet, if word of miscarriage spreads, her reputation will be completely ruined!And she was pregnant before marriage, and she couldn't bear children. Even if she married Chu Shu in the future, I'm afraid there would be no good results.

Only now did Chu Tianqi know what real fear was and what it meant to strike without leaving a trace!

Chu Tianqi is not stupid either. She already knew that no matter how many doctors were invited, the result of diagnosis and treatment would be the same as this one.

Her entire life was ruined because of this incident!

Chu Tianqi's heart was full of unwillingness, she didn't want to be ruined like this, she wanted revenge!

It's just that the scene in front of her made Chu Tianqi feel a touch of despair. Now she is in this courtyard, as if she was imprisoned. She can't even invite a doctor, so how can she take revenge?
At this time, she was still suffering from severe abdominal pain, her face was pale, without a trace of blood, and her whole body was as pale as a thin sheet of paper.

Chu Tianqi felt a little regretful in her heart. If she had known this, she would not have offended the King of Chu on that day no matter what.

When this idea popped up in her heart, another layer of chills rose in her heart. I'm afraid Yunqian had already thought of this layer when she invited King Chu over, and knew that she What will be the result.

Chu Tianqi's pale face lifted up slightly. In just a few days, she lost a lot of weight. Her eyes were originally big, but because of this thinning, those eyes became even bigger. up.

The servant girl saw her appearance outside the door, and she felt a little disdainful in her heart. After hearing the doctor's diagnosis and treatment results, she also looked down on Chu Tianqi very much. I really can't tell. Chu Tianqi looks gentle in the palace on weekdays. He was polite, but he didn't expect to do such a shameless thing.

The maid snorted softly, feeling that she was so unlucky that she was sent to serve such a master.

The maid originally had the heart to serve her, but now she has become unintentional, hiding and being lazy all day long, Chu Tianqi often finds it difficult to eat hot dishes and rice.
After the doctor gave Chu Tianqi a consultation, the king of Chu called him over to ask about the situation. Hearing that Chu Tianqi had abdominal pain due to a miscarriage, his face became even more ugly.

It's just that the king of Chu wanted to save face after all, so he gave the doctor some good instructions, and took out a 100 tael bank note, and then sealed the doctor's mouth.

The doctor also knew that this was the secret of the Chu Palace. The Chu Palace was so powerful that he naturally did not dare to touch the power of the Chu Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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