Chapter 1763 In the Clan's Mansion
On the other side of the palace, since the queen got permission from the emperor to go to the clan mansion to see Chu Yuan, the queen made careful preparations, chose a day, reported to the emperor, and went to the clan mansion with her cronies.

After the Queen arrived at the Clan Mansion, the guards there led the Queen to Guan Chuyuan's courtyard. As the gate was pushed open, the Queen saw the empty courtyard inside. The courtyard was quiet and looked dilapidated.

The queen thought that Chu Yuan was raised by rich clothes and food in the past, and she felt extremely sad when she had suffered such hardships. Then she thought that Chu Yuan had stayed in this yard for three years, but she was powerless to rescue him. , I suddenly hated myself a little bit.

The queen asked: "Where is the eldest prince?"

"It's in the room over there." The guard replied softly, pointing to a room in the middle.

The queen took a look at the room, took out an ingot of gold from her bosom and handed it to the guard, "I haven't seen the First Prince for a long time, I want to have a good talk, you just wait outside, you don't need to be close to serve."

The guards knew that the emperor had specially allowed the empress to come here today, so naturally they didn't dare to say anything more, and immediately responded: "The eldest prince has been here for a few years, and his temperament has changed a bit, empress, please be careful."

The queen felt a little distressed when she heard this sentence, but asked: "Some changes in temperament? What do you mean?"

"The empress will know when she sees the eldest prince." The guard finished softly, then gave a salute, and then retreated slowly.

The queen's heart skipped a beat when she heard the guard's words, and a bad premonition arose in her heart. She had heard that Chu Yuan had gone crazy staying here earlier, but she didn't believe this fact no matter what.

In the queen's heart, even though Chu Yuan was wrong in every way, he was her son and the best.

The queen gritted her teeth lightly, tears welled up in her eyes, she took a step forward, and soon walked to the front of the room, she stretched out her hand and pushed the door open, and immediately smelled a very disgusting smell .

The smell was like urine and feces, with a lot of musty smell in it.

The queen is the daughter of the Lan family, with a noble status, and she has been pampered and pampered after becoming a queen. She has never seen such a scene before, and she felt extremely disgusted in her heart.

She walked in slowly and called softly, "Wish!"

The room was empty, and there was no one in sight. She was a little worried, but hoped that Chu Yuan would not live in such a room.
Today she was wearing the queen's formal dress, with a trailing tail about three feet behind, she saw that the ground was too dirty, so she had to reach out to pick up the trailing tail.

"Yuaner, are you in there?" The Queen shouted again.

There was still no one in the room answering her, and there was more worry in her eyes. When she walked to the center of the room, she suddenly heard a loud noise behind her, and she was startled, and turned her head. Look, but saw a man in extremely shabby clothes standing behind her.

The man's hair was like a chicken coop, and there was an extremely disgusting smell on his body.His hair half covered his face, and his face was covered with mud, making it almost impossible to see his true face.

But the queen recognized that man as Chu Yuan with just one glance, and she burst into tears immediately, and said softly, "Yuan, is that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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