Chapter 1765 The truth of the year
The queen nodded slightly with tears in her eyes, and Chu Yuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he said eagerly: "Mother, are you here to pick me up? Mother, let's go! I don't want to stay here anymore, not even for a moment. !"

There was a hint of helplessness in the queen's eyes when she heard his words, but Chu Yuan reached out and grabbed her hand and said, "Queen mother, do you know? The life I live here is not human, and each of these guards Dogs see people!"

The queen naturally knew about these things, she said softly: "Yuan, I begged your father today, so he let me come to see you, you can't get out now!"

Chu Yuan immediately threw off the queen's hand in a very irritable way: "Since you can't take me out, what do you come to see me for? Is it to see if your son is in a miserable life? You have also seen it. I am living now." What day is it!"

The queen wiped away tears, although she felt that Chu Yuan's words were a little too much, but she was not angry with him.

She said softly: "I know you have suffered here these years. Seeing you like this, the queen mother is also very sad."

Chu Yuan stared at the Queen with wide eyes and said, "You are so sad! As soon as I was imprisoned in this ghost place, you treated other people's sons as your own. Have you ever thought about my feelings!"

The queen knew that he was talking about Chu Shu, she said softly: "In the heart of the queen mother, you are the only son!"

"I don't believe it!" Chu Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "In your heart, you have always cared about power, and you have never cared about me!"

The queen was so anxious that she burst into tears, but said softly: "You are the queen mother's heart, how can I not care about you? The reason why the mother queen treats Chu Shu well is because among the many princes, only Chu Shu is by the mother queen's side When you grow up, he has always supported you. As long as he ascends the throne, he will release you and then give you the throne!"

This is the condition she and Chu Shu reached. She can help Chu Shu ascend the throne, but the premise is that after Chu Shu gets the throne, she will release Chu Shu and then give the throne to Chu Yuan.

It's just that the queen is also aware of Chu Shu's temperament. Although she has been supporting Chu Shu all these years, she has also secretly cultivated her own power in order to restrain Chu Shu.

After hearing what the queen said, Chu Yuan laughed loudly and said, "Queen mother, you are so naive, you have a white-eyed wolf around you, how can he really help me! I have been locked up here for so many years, so I want to understand One thing, before Chu Shu followed me, he had no good intentions at all."

The queen frowned slightly and said, "Why?"

"Why not?" Chu Yuan yelled loudly: "He was the first male pet that was sent into my house back then. At first I thought he was trying to make me happy, but when I thought about it later, I realized that things were not true at all. Not like that!"

In the past three years, Chu Yuan has suffered so much. Although he is a little crazy, he has thought through more things.

The queen was stunned for a moment, and Chu Yuan said again: "I used to follow my mother and learn the art of controlling dragons from my father. It was Chu Shu who used this or that thing every day to lure me and make me give up my studies. This time, make trouble by my side! Empress, why don’t you think about how I was imprisoned in the clan’s mansion back then? Put me in the clan mansion like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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