Chapter 1766
The queen also thought about what Chu Yuan said. At the beginning, she only thought that it was Chu Yi who framed her, Chu Mo's help, and Concubine De blowing the pillow in front of the emperor. She suspected many people, but she never doubted Chu bundle.

When the emperor listed Chu Yuan's faults, the queen only thought of the frame-up by the people around Chu Yuan, but she didn't think that it would be Chu Shu's hands and feet.

Chu Yuan said again: "In the past, Chu Shu always told me how he would be good to me, but he has been by my side for so many years, has my mother ever seen him sincerely thinking about me?"

Chu Yuan has been imprisoned here for many years, and he has thought about a lot of things. Although he is not very smart, people have been passing on Chu Shu's news to him these days, and even listed the things that Chu Shu did behind his back. After coming out, Chu Yuan finally understood that the reason why he fell to this point was Chu Shu.

But the Queen used to think that these things were just absurd things that Chu Yuan did not live up to, but she never thought that all these things were actually instigated by Chu Shu, and her eyes suddenly widened.

Chu Yuan looked at the queen again and said, "Why doesn't my mother think about it? Why did Chu Shu never think about rescuing me after I entered the clan mansion, but just thinking about how to please my mother! Chu Shu is simply If he wants to be an emperor, he must first destroy me! Only in this way can he get the support of your mother, otherwise, his mother family will be ruined, and he will have no chance of ascending the throne. Therefore, since he was a child, he approached me From now on, there is a scheming!"

The queen swayed slightly when she heard the words, and there was a touch of surprise in her eyes. Soon her eyes were replaced by gloom. She knew something about Chu Shu's thoughts, although Chu Shu always acted in front of him. Although he looks obedient and filial, the queen can still occasionally see flashes of ambition in his eyes.

Thinking of her support for Chu Shu over the years, the Queen's complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

Over the years, in fact, she has no doubts about Chu Shu's incompleteness, but after Chu Yuan was imprisoned in the clan's mansion, Chu Shu was her only hope, so she didn't want to think about some things, but she was also on guard. Things are arranged, and everything will go according to the pace she expected.

But what Chu Yuan said at this time woke her up a bit, and Chu Yuan sneered again: "Abdicate and let me be the emperor? How is that possible! Has the mother seen any emperor in history who was willing to abdicate himself? I'm afraid Chu Yuan The first thing Shu did after ascension to the throne was to kill me!"

After hearing Chu Yuan's words, the Queen couldn't help shivering, and said softly, "No."

She said she would not, but she felt that she was not very sure, and she was a little unbelieving in her heart.

Chu Yuan was already furious and said: "That bastard Chu Shu is really not human. What did he say to you all these years to make you trust him so much! Up to now, I don't even believe what my own son said. , but believed in that scumbag!"

The queen's eyes quickly returned to her usual calmness, and she said softly: "Yuan, don't get too excited, if Chu Shu really counts on you from the beginning, I will definitely not let him go." !"

In this world, she has never tolerated anyone bullying her. If Chu Shu dares to use her like this, then she will definitely make him pay a great price!
(End of this chapter)

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