Chapter 1777 The Power of the Queen
Yun Qian withdrew her eyes from Concubine De. After she saw the coldness in the Queen's eyes, she understood the real meaning of the Queen's question at this time. It seemed a simple sentence, but it was full of emotion. eloquent.

Yun Qian looked at the queen and said, "If you go back to the queen, the most impossible things in this world will often become the most possible things."

The queen glanced at her and said: "Concubine Shizi, this matter is not the same. If the emperor was poisoned, why didn't the imperial doctor find out for so long?"

"This court lady doesn't know." Yun Qian said lightly, "This court lady thinks it's better for the empress to ask all the imperial doctors."

Concubine De had already come to her senses at this time, she sneered and said, "Yunqian, you are so brave, you dare to talk nonsense in front of the emperor and empress! The emperor obviously has a relapse of an old disease, how could it be poisoning?"

Yun Qian said with a half smile but not a smile: "Maybe the emperor's old illness has relapsed, but there is no guarantee that no one will make a fuss about the emperor's old illness! Empress Defei, do you think what I say makes sense?"

Concubine De's complexion changed slightly, but Yun Qian no longer looked at her, but turned to look at the imperial doctor at the side, and said unhurriedly: "Please ask all the imperial doctors to test the blood just spit out by the emperor, see See if there is any poison in it."

What she said was reasonable, but the faces of all the imperial doctors were not very good-looking, and it is impossible for them to look good. The emperor has been ill for a long time, and they have been treating them all the time. If the emperor is really poisoned, but they have always been Not found, this matter is enough to punish them to death.

Concubine De was about to speak, but the queen jumped ahead of her and said, "Hurry up and check it out!"

The queen's words were full of dignity. She had been a queen for so many years, and she had a certain aura that belonged to her.

All the imperial doctors responded, and then a younger and lighter imperial doctor stood up, took out a silver needle from his bosom, and put some of the blood that the emperor had just spit out on it.

As soon as the silver needle touched the black blood, it immediately turned black.

Seeing such a scene, all the imperial doctors immediately stayed there. The doctor quickly came to his senses, and hurriedly knelt down towards the queen and said, "I will die for my humble minister!"

The queen said angrily, "You quack doctors have all committed capital crimes!"

Concubine De immediately said: "It's really unreasonable. You have always said that the emperor's old illness has relapsed, but now it has been diagnosed as being poisoned. What did you do before! Someone here, dragged down all the imperial doctors and cut them down! "

"Wait!" The empress sternly said: "With my palace here, it's not up to Concubine De to deal with it!" She is the color of a country, and at this moment, she has a certain majesty.

Concubine De sneered and said: "Empress, have you forgotten that the Phoenix Seal is now in my hands, and the entire harem is handled by me!"

"The phoenix seal is in your hands, but this palace is the empress of a country!" The queen interrupted her sharply: "Furthermore, this matter involves the emperor, and you have been serving the emperor all along, Concubine De. If you talk about poisoning, it seems that you have the best chance, you are so eager to deal with all the imperial doctors at this time, but you plan to destroy the evidence?"

The queen's words could be said to be heart-wrenching, she said everything, and she directly talked about the things that Concubine De was most concerned about, Concubine De's complexion suddenly became ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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