Chapter 1778 The Emperor's Doubt
It's just that Concubine De's reaction was quick, and she immediately cried loudly: "Your Majesty, wake up! This concubine is sincere to you, and she wholeheartedly hopes for your well-being, so these days, she has been serving you by her side in undressed clothes. , but I didn’t expect that you were actually poisoned! The empress suspects that I poisoned you! If you don’t wake up, I’m afraid that the concubine will not be able to clear her innocence no matter what!”

Yunqian saw that the queen and concubine De had already fought several rounds in a blink of an eye, and the methods were all superb. Those words hit the key points directly. Sure enough, none of the women in the palace was a fuel-efficient lamp. .

The emperor was half awake at this time, and when he heard the empress and Concubine De quarreling, he felt extremely irritable, and immediately coughed lightly again.

The queen sneered and said: "Concubine De really knows how to act. I'm afraid that these methods have been used in front of the emperor over the years."

Concubine De looked at the Empress with tears all over her face and said: "I know Empress Dowager is jealous of me getting the favor, but you have never seen the Emperor once, you are jealous, so you have fallen into me like this! Empress Empress, you How can it be so vicious!"

The queen's eyes narrowed, and a murderous intent burst out, and she said without any expression on her face: "You can say whatever you want, but no matter how eloquent you are, you can't escape suspicion of the emperor's poisoning."

Yunqian heard that the two were irritated and didn't want to watch their performance, so she gave the emperor another injection, and the emperor's eyes were fully opened, and he said coldly: "I'm not dead yet, Why are you crying? Why are you arguing?"

With the emperor's roar, the empress and concubine De fell silent.

As soon as the two were quiet, the emperor looked at Yun Qian and asked, "How did the concubine discover that I was poisoned?"

Yun Qian saw that the emperor looked extremely weak at this time, but there was a glint in his eyes. She understood the meaning of the emperor's words. Why didn't the imperial doctor find out that he had been poisoned? Poison, does this poison have something to do with her? Sure enough, the emperor's suspicion is not normal.

Yun Qian lightly gave a gift and said: "When you return to the emperor, my wife has been familiar with all kinds of miscellaneous books since she was a child. Because of her poor health since she was a child, she likes to read medical books the most. In order to detoxify her, my wife has read a lot of books about poisons, so I am quite familiar with poisoning. The emperor's symptoms today, although his face is like gold paper, does not show any signs of blackening, but However, there was a faint black spot on the lower ear. The concubine remembered a book that said that if the black spot under the ear did not form naturally, it must be caused by poisoning. That's right. As for why the imperial doctors didn't find out about the poisoning of the emperor, it's probably because the emperor's status is too noble, and the concubine Defei is serving her wholeheartedly, so she feels that the emperor can't be poisoned no matter what, and the minister's wife The books I read are too complicated to be included in the category of orthodox medical books, and I think all the adults have never read them."

Her words can be said to have said all the cause and effect, and it was even more excused by the imperial doctors, but she pushed Concubine De to the forefront in a calm manner. It was not that she wanted to target Concubine De, but Concubine De He just said he wanted to kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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