Chapter 178
Su Qiaohui still had a lot of things to say, but Yunqian interrupted her and said, "Mother, this is the engagement given to me by the eldest son, please see if it is in compliance with the rules."

Su Ru was stunned for a moment, and stretched out his hand to take the engagement letter handed over by Yunqian, but seeing the golden seals of three-clawed golden dragon and flying phoenix imprinted on it, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

The dragon is the sign of the royal family. The emperor used a five-clawed dragon. Only the very favored prince can use the seal of the three-clawed golden dragon. The Chu Palace is so powerful that it is approved by the emperor to use the three-clawed golden dragon. The supreme status of the palace.

This seal is only used when the official prince is engaged to marry a wife, and it is not used at all under normal circumstances.

Because of the special nature of the letter of appointment, it further showed how much the Chu Palace cared about Yun Qian.

This letter of appointment also showed the world that Chu Yuanzhou would marry Yun Qian as a royal concubine, not a concubine.

Yunqian didn't understand this, but when she saw Su Qiaohui's forbearing and ugly face, and then saw the old lady's face full of joy, she thought of Princess Qionghua's surprised eyes when she saw the letter of engagement yesterday. Then he knew that the engagement letter was unusual.

The old lady nodded her head lightly, and Su Qiaohui said sourly: "This letter of engagement from the son is very good, but the son is too ignorant of etiquette, the letter of appointment came, but the betrothal gift was not sent. Is Qian'er difficult to do?"

Her words were full of concern, but the hidden meaning was that Chu Yuanzhou didn't care about Yun Qian, and what she did was not in compliance with the rules.

Yunqian could hear the meaning of Su Qiaohui's words, and immediately reached out to open the box that Huanyu was holding in her hand and said, "The prince's betrothal gift has also been sent, but he thinks it would be more appropriate for me to bring it back personally. Father, mother and grandma feel that there is something wrong, or something is missing, and he will send someone to deliver it at that time."

As soon as she opened her hand, the room was filled with jewels, and the dazzling brilliance lit up the whole room a bit.

The faces of several people in the room changed, even the extremely calm old lady widened her eyes.

They are all knowledgeable people, and they can tell at a glance that the box is full of rare treasures. Although there are many treasures in Yunfu, none of them can match the box. any treasure.

Master Yun's eyes were also wide open, and he walked quickly to Yun Qian's side and said, "Glass lock, thousand red jade, tourmaline beads... Oh my god, everything in this box is priceless, and the prince actually uses these things Hire!"

Yunqian originally guessed that the things in this box were very valuable, but she didn't expect it to be so valuable. What she didn't know was that the Ye Mingzhu that she thought was valuable was actually the least valuable of these treasures.

Su Qiaohui was also a little uneasy. Most of the treasures were names she had heard in the legends before, and she had never seen them before. She never expected that Chu Yuanzhou would spend such a large amount of money, using such expensive things as a dowry all of a sudden. !

If all those things were exchanged for silver, it would probably fill up the entire Yun Mansion!

Earlier, she felt that Ye Wuchen's use of ten thousand gold to marry Yunqian was already the limit, but she did not expect that Chu Yuanzhou's behavior was so unexpected!
Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Yun Qian felt that the sentence that Chu Yuanzhou left on the note, "Brighten the dog eyes of those snobs in Yunfu", was really not nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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