Chapter 179
Look at the appearance of Master Yun and Su Qiaohui, they are full of ugly appearances.

Yun Qian said softly: "The prince of these things still has a booklet."

She only said half a sentence. Under normal circumstances, most of the betrothal gifts sent by the man will be added to the dowry after the woman accepts them, and then sent back. Of course, the hostess is also allowed to keep some in the middle.And the woman's dowry will be filed with the government after she gets married. These things will be her private property from now on. If she really gets married with Chu Yuanzhou one day, these things will still be hers.

But Yun Qian didn't have a good impression of Yun Jingyan and Su Qiaohui, and knew that all these things were valuable, so she didn't want to leave them in Yunfu for these people to enjoy, so she reminded her.

Master Yun's face was a little embarrassed, but he smiled gracefully: "Earlier, I was a little worried that Shizi was joking with Qian'er, but now it seems that Shizi is really sincere to Qian'er."

When Yun Qian heard this sentence, she didn't know why she wanted to laugh. Does everything need to be proved by money?

As soon as this idea popped into her mind, she laughed a little self-deprecatingly. Love is so rich, and it often needs to be proved by money, especially when the love is not firm.

Yunqian thinks that Chu Yuanzhou is really a genius for picking up girls. Whether it is romance, power, or money, which can affect love, he will use these things to the fullest.

Although she was somewhat disdainful of his behavior, she still couldn't help being moved. No matter who he wanted to impress, but for her, from now on in Yunfu, no one would dare to face her again. face to do those insulting things.

The old lady also nodded lightly and said: "Well, the prince really cares about the fifth girl. Fifth girl, these things are the betrothal gift from the world, so you should keep them safe!"

Yun Qian was about to answer, but Su Qiaohui said: "Qian'er is still young, and these things are too valuable, it would be bad if they were lost in Qian'er's place, why don't I keep them for Qian'er! "

She has never seen so many treasures, and she has only heard of many of them, but has never seen them. Now that she has such an opportunity to see them, she naturally wants to take a good look.

"Mother has a heart." Yun Qian said with a smile: "It's just that these things are the betrothal gifts from my son, so mother should take good care of them. If one is missing when I get married, it will not be very good."

Su Qiaohui's complexion suddenly turned ugly, and Yun Qian changed the subject and said: "Fortunately, mother is the most careful person in the world, and none of the sisters in the house is as shrewd as mother. Put these things in mother's place." It couldn't be better."

The old lady originally let Yun Qian keep those things by herself, and she was afraid of Su Qiaohui's hands and feet. Now after hearing what Yun Qian said, she also changed her mind, and nodded immediately: "The fifth girl is very reasonable. , Qiaohui, you should take care of these things until the fifth girl gets married!"

Su Qiaohui originally said that she would keep it for Yunqian, but seeing the treasure in her heart, she felt a little bit regretful when she calmed down slightly. The old lady said again, and she could no longer refuse.

She could only say at the moment: "Then let me take care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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