Chapter 1781 Chenzhou Earthquake
Chu Yuanzhou worked extremely fast, and all the servants around the emperor were changed in just a cup of tea. When those people were dragged out, some people shouted their grievances loudly at first, but their mouths were covered, and then they disappeared completely. sounded.

In this way, all the poisoning of the emperor was concealed.

When Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou walked out of the emperor's palace, Concubine De also came out. Concubine De hated her so much that her plan was about to succeed, but she didn't expect that at this juncture, all her achievements were lost.

It's just that she didn't even stare at Yunqian at this time, her eyes were full of calmness, instead she looked at Yunqian and said: "The emperor can wake up today, thanks to the concubine."

"The concubine De concubine has won the prize." Yun Qianyun said calmly: "The final contributions of the minister's wife are nothing compared to the concubine de concubine's hard work taking care of the emperor day and night."

Concubine De smiled, turned away without saying a word.

Chu Yuanzhou said with some disdain: "She looks like she doesn't have 300 taels of silver in this place at this time. I look so stupid."

Yun Qian said slowly: "I'm afraid she hates me right now!"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes became colder and he said: "She hates you to the bone at this time, when I have a chance in the future, I will help you break her bones, so that she won't be embarrassed all day long in the palace. It's terrible, as if the entire harem belongs to her, that face is more annoying than the empress."

Yunqian wanted to laugh when she heard what he said, but felt that being pampered by him like this was a very happy thing.

After this incident, in order to avoid suspicion, Concubine De seldom went to serve the emperor personally, and the empress spent more time with the emperor.

This incident in the harem quickly aroused the suspicion of many courtiers, and everyone felt that this incident was an indicator of who the future crown prince would be. For a while, everyone felt that the throne was likely to be passed on to Chu Shu .

On the second day, the entire capital posted an imperial list looking for a famous doctor who can detoxify. The news Chu Yuanzhou released to the public only said that the queen mother had somehow been poisoned by a very strange poison. guess.

Just when everyone's guesses were still undecided, the emperor made another sacred obedience. After the emperor bestowed marriages on the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh princes, the date of marriage has now been completely fixed.

The day was chosen after January, and the four princes got married at the same time!

Such a thing has never happened in history. Although all the ministers felt that the emperor's gift of marriage was a bit of a joy, but the object of the marriage was very subtle.

Chu Shu married Chu Tianqi, the concubine daughter of Prince Chu, the fifth prince Chu You married Zhang Yingchu, the daughter of General Weiyuan, the sixth prince married Shan Yuzhu, the daughter of Minister of Punishment, and the seventh prince Chu Han married Ren Xiujuan, the eldest daughter of Dali Siqing.

These marriage recipients all have great influence in the court, but no one can have more influence than Chu Palace, so everyone feels that the emperor is more inclined to Chu Shu.

Because of these conjectures, King Ming, Chu Mo, and his party were worried about Zhong Zhong. Chu Mo knew from Concubine De that although the Emperor did not track down Concubine De that day, based on his understanding of the Emperor, he knew that the Emperor’s heart must be for Concubine De. Be suspicious of him.

When the situation in central Beijing was changing, news of an earthquake in Chenzhou came.

(End of this chapter)

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