Chapter 1782 The Vision of Heaven Falling
After the earthquake, the disaster area was severely damaged. Chu Yuanzhou also felt a little headache when he presided over the affairs of the court. Now the national treasury is not full, and Xiliang is eyeing it. If there is another war, there will be no extra money in the treasury. He also didn't want to go to Bai Luo for money again, and Bai Luo had been talking to him about the 100 million taels of silver four years ago.

Just after Chu Yuanzhou reported the earthquake to the emperor, a book was also sent to the emperor at the same time. The book was sealed with gold paint and a chicken feather was stuck on it.

Such excerpts were directly uploaded to the emperor by the states and counties. They were only used when extremely important events happened, and only the emperor could read them. Therefore, as soon as the foreign servants got the excerpts, they sent them in immediately.

After the emperor opened the booklet for a look, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his originally unattractive face became even uglier.

Chu Yuanzhou knew something must be wrong when he saw the emperor's face, but the emperor threw the booklet to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "What do you think about this matter?"

Chu Yuanzhou opened the booklet and saw that it read: "A vision appeared in Chenzhou. Before the earthquake, fire-colored clouds pierced half the sky, and then a golden bird fell from the sky and landed in front of the cliff. After the earthquake, the earthquake There is an extremely ancient writing on the back cliff, after careful identification by the ministers and aides, it reads: Destroy two trees, talk too much to cause trouble. When there are no insects under the egg, the green palm will stand."

Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly after reading it, but said very calmly: "This incident is the so-called vision from heaven, but the poem written on the vision is a bit weird."

"What do you think is weird?" The emperor looked at Chu Yuanzhou and asked, "Do you think there is anything wrong?"

"I can't tell." Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "I just feel that this matter is a bit weird. Not to mention anything else, just the handwriting on the cliff. Since it is said to be ancient, it means that few people If they are written on the cliff, it can be ruled out that those words were written by humans. But if they were written by heaven, it is so far away, it is not easy to expand, since it is not easy to expand Now, how can we prove that the above four poems are written? It is not ruled out that something happened out of context or out of nothing.”

The emperor nodded his head lightly, but Chu Yuanzhou smiled again and said, "These four poems written on it seem to me to be chaotic and disorganized, with no rules at all. But the sheriff of Chenzhou used Such an urgent secret order was submitted to the emperor to see, and he must have understood something, the emperor might as well order him to come to Beijing to speak."

What he said seems to be extremely lazy, but it is full of wit. The meaning of his words is very clear, that is, after the earthquake, the sheriff of Chenzhou did not look at the suffering of the people all day long, but Studying the writing on the cliff is too insignificant to the lives of the people. Such a sheriff is definitely not a good sheriff.

And now it's just after the earthquake, he presented the news of the earthquake on the front foot, and sent such a note on the back foot, his intention is quite worthy of scrutiny.

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou knew that he didn't need to say all these words. The emperor was always suspicious. If he could think of these things, the emperor would naturally think of them too.

In Chu Yuanzhou's view, what the emperor thought was somewhat different from what he thought, but the matter was placed like this.

(End of this chapter)

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