Chapter 1783
The emperor smiled slightly after hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, but his eyes were sharp, but he didn't answer Chu Yuanzhou's words, but said indifferently: "Although the governor of Chenzhou is somewhat dereliction of duty, the incident of the vision from heaven is also a major event. So although he was wrong, I think it is justifiable."

Chu Yuanzhou bowed slightly and said, "The emperor is right."

Hearing what the emperor said, he felt slightly displeased, but he also knew that the emperor was interested in this so-called vision from heaven.

Sure enough, he heard the emperor say: "Yuanzhou's knowledge surpasses the champion of literature in my dynasty. If you want to come to Chenzhou County Sheriff can understand, you can also understand. Tell me, what do you think of this song?" poetic."

Chu Yuanzhou naturally heard the temptation in the emperor's words, he slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "The emperor has given me a prize, let me write a love poem or something, it's not difficult for me, playing with those dull and boring words I've never been interested in games. It's just that the emperor said it very well. If the governor of Chenzhou can guess the meaning, other people can guess it. There are a lot of talents in the imperial court, and there are many great scholars in the Imperial Academy. They all play word games Experts, they can guess the meaning of this level. If the emperor wants to know the meaning, it is better to call all the scholars to guess. If the emperor thinks that there are too many people, the secret will be leaked, and the emperor will find two suitable ones. , I will personally invite the emperor to come here."

The emperor looked up at him, nodded slightly and said, "Yuanzhou is very thoughtful."

After Chu Yuanzhou saluted and retreated, his eyes were full of frost. Chu Yuanzhou understood the meaning of that poem at a glance. One destroys two trees, two trees are forests, and the other is clouds. , Li Yujing, there is no worm under the egg, and the character Chu is under the shape. Adding Shuangmu is the character Chu, and there is a word in the middle, which together is Yun Jingyan, plus the meaning between the lines, it is Diyun Jingyanhui Take away the country of the Chu surname.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted coldly, and there was a bit of disdain in his eyes. He didn't have the slightest affection for Yun Jingyan. If Yun Jingyan was said to be a despicable villain, Chu Yuanzhou would believe it, but if Said that Yun Jingyan wanted to replace Chu's surname and become emperor, not because he looked down on Yun Jingyan, but because Yun Jingyan didn't have such ability at all.

It's just that this matter is exposed under the sign of God's will, and the matter will become very serious.

The emperor is now sick and weak, and he believes in God's will very much. I'm afraid Yun Jingyan will be in bad luck this time.

And this incident seemed a bit ridiculous to Chu Yuanzhou. He never believed in God's will.

Over the years, he has also created the so-called will of God for people several times, but this time, in his opinion, the method was not clever at all, and even a little clumsy. Four sentences, every sentence is explaining their purpose.

Chu Yuanzhou has always felt that if he wants to pretend to be a matter of God's will, he must have some conjectures and ideas. If he speaks too bluntly, he will not be believed.

Wu Yuning, the prefect of Chenzhou, knew that he was from the Lan Mansion. Even if he thought about it with his knees, he could understand everything.

Chu Yuanzhou folded his hands halfway in front of his chest, and let out a long breath. If Yun Qian hadn't been caught in the middle, he wouldn't have cared about how those people plotted against Yun Jingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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