Chapter 1784 It's Interesting

Now that this is the case, Chu Yuanzhou feels that it is still necessary to ask Yun Qian what he means. After all, he can't just let the emperor cut off Yun Jingyan's head so easily. Otherwise, if Yun Qian takes this matter in the future If you get angry with him, he will really lose money.

And when he looked at the expression on the emperor's face just now, he was afraid that someone else would have thought of it, and the emperor might have thought of it too.

He turned his head slightly, this time it was really a good show.
On the one hand, the queen was angry with Chu Shu, but on the other hand she was still attacking Chu Mo. Although this method was not brilliant, it was still effective, at least it was very in line with the emperor's wishes.The queen has been married to the emperor for many years, and she really knows the emperor very well.

As Chu Yuanzhou expected, Qiao Zhigang, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, went to the emperor to see Zezi, and he guessed the same as what Chu Yuanzhou analyzed. He was transferred to a bachelor later, and he and Yun Jingyan had never been on good terms. Although he explained those meanings very clearly at the moment, he made the matter more serious again between words.

The emperor's face suddenly became a little ugly, and there was a cold brilliance in his eyes.

Chu Yuanzhou could tell at a glance that the emperor's gaze would only appear after he had murderous intent.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened, and he felt that this matter was still a bit troublesome. Since he was Yun Jingyan's son-in-law, from a political standpoint, it was best for him not to speak, because no matter what he said, it would be wrong .

The emperor did not intend to let him go, looked at him and said, "What do you think of this matter?"

Although the emperor was asking him this time, he used a declarative tone. As soon as Chu Yuanzhou heard the emperor's words, he knew that there were many tentative meanings in his words.

He said slowly: "What Grand Master Qiao said is true. Literally, it does mean that."

Chu Yuanzhou's words were very pertinent, but the emperor's gaze calmed down, but he was still waiting for his remaining words, but he stopped talking. After waiting for a long time, the emperor asked again: "And then?"

Chu Yuanzhou said in a very flat tone: "There is no more."

The emperor smiled and said: "Yun Jingyan is your father-in-law, and you have always loved Yun Qian very much, and he is also your close relative."

The emperor only spoke half of what he said, and Chu Yuanzhou could naturally hear the implication of his words, "You love Yun Qian so much, why would you ignore her natal family? The Nine Clans, but they can make the entire family of the Yun Mansion beheaded."

Chu Yuan and Zhou said unhurriedly: "He is my father-in-law, but I can still distinguish between righteousness and family affairs. If Yun Jingyan really has the tendency to rebel, then I naturally have nothing to say .But these Lai Yun Jingyan's handling of official affairs is considered proper, there is nothing unusual, and he is also a civil servant, I think this so-called God's will is good to listen to."

What he said was very pertinent. The emperor promoted Yun Jingyan to the right minister back then, because of Yun Jingyan's ability to handle affairs in all directions. Over the years, Yun Jingyan has been regarded as dedicated, and there is nothing wrong with it. The emperor is not. So much to say.

After Qiao Zhigao heard Chu Yuanzhou's words, he glanced at him. He had been in awe of Chu Yuanzhou all these years, and the talent of the youngest chief assistant in history was absolutely outstanding.
(End of this chapter)

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