Chapter 1785
Qiao Zhigao felt that these were political abilities. When dealing with affairs on weekdays, what Chu Yuanzhou lacked most was thunderous means, because he knew that Chu Yuanzhou loved Yun Qian the most, and Yun Qian was Yun Jingyan's daughter, so he He didn't dare to say anything openly in front of Chu Yuanzhou.

It's just that Qiao Zhigao saw the emperor's deep expression, but he knew that Chu Yuanzhou's words could not completely dispel his doubts about Yun Jingyan, and he was afraid that Yun Jingyan would suffer bad luck in the future.

He secretly glanced at Chu Yuanzhou again, and secretly sighed in his heart, thinking that Yun Jingyan was lucky to have such an excellent son-in-law.

The room was a little quiet, and the emperor finally said slowly: "Yuanzhou is right."

But Chu Yuanzhou said again: "It's just that this incident is too weird. I think it's better to send ministers to Chenzhou to investigate carefully during this time of disaster relief. I don't know what the emperor thinks?"

"It's exactly what I want." The emperor said slowly.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were light, and he nodded slightly, but the emperor said again: "I also think this matter is very strange, I must investigate it thoroughly, I don't want any minister in the court to be framed by others."

Chu Yuanzhou said yes on the surface with great respect, but his heart was full of disapproval. If the emperor was as he said in his mouth, he would directly destroy the paper after reading the book of Chenzhou County Governor. Why bother to ask? He was in a group, and after testing him like this, he called Qiao Zhi again.

The emperor asked Qiao Zhigao to come forward and say those words, but in the end it was just for him.

After Chu Yuanzhou returned to the palace, he told Yun Qian what happened in the palace today. Yun Qian had a look of coldness in her eyes. Although she didn't like Yun Jingyan very much, she didn't regard Yun Jingyan as a Her father, the entire Yunfu has no happy memories for her, but it is her natal family after all, so it is impossible for her to ignore it completely.

Her eyes darkened a bit and she said: "It seems that this matter is aimed at Yunfu. The fact that my father and I are at odds is not a secret in Beijing, and it is even more not a secret that my father is a member of the Ming Dynasty. , someone is about to deal with King Ming."

Chu Yuanzhou grinned and said: "Qianqian is really good, she thought of going with me, but in the current situation, do you think I should help Yun Jingyan?"

Yunqian sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Although I don't like his behavior very much, and I also despise his character, but he is my father after all, since we already know about it, You can’t sit idly by.”

Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows, Yunqian glanced at him and said, "Although I know it seems inappropriate to help Chu Mo at this time, because sooner or later there will be a contest between him and Prince Jing."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened and he said: "The person behind the scenes will definitely know the story and I will see it. Apart from dealing with Chu Mo, this matter is also a bit of a temptation for me. the taste of."

"I know." Yunqian looked up at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "That's why I think this will make it difficult for you."

What she said was a little straightforward, and the meaning was very clear.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "It's not difficult to do, after all, that matter can only be said to be a celestial phenomenon, Yun Jingyan has nothing wrong with it, and the emperor will not be able to cure him for a while. You can still talk about everything.”

(End of this chapter)

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