Chapter 1790
As soon as the emperor finished speaking, a note was thrown directly at Yun Jingyan's head.

Yun Jingyan didn't dare to show his anger, so he hurriedly picked up the booklet. He opened it, and it read impressively: The granary in Waisu County of the capital was set on fire last night, and more than half of the 100 million dan grains and grasses were destroyed. .The guards stationed in the granary caught the arsonist on the spot. The arsonist was Su Dongyan, the eldest son of Su Changqing.Su Dongyan confessed that he was instigated by Yun Jingyan, the right minister.Yun Jingyan is the right minister of the court, and the official holds a high position. The minister dare not make more speculations. The case has been reported to the Ministry of Criminal Investigation for detailed investigation...

Yun Jingyan's face turned pale immediately when he saw this, and he said in surprise: "The emperor clearly learned that this minister did not do such a thing! Su Dongyan, the son of the Su family, has nothing to do with this minister! The last time Su Changqing pretended to be a robber at the foot of Yushi Mountain After the incident happened, I cut off all contact with them! Please the emperor investigate clearly!"

"There's nothing to investigate!" The emperor snorted coldly: "Su Dongyan has already recruited, and you ordered all of this!"

Yun Jingyan was so frightened that his heart trembled, he forced himself to be calm and said: "Your Majesty, since the Su Mansion was controlled by the Emperor, all the men in the Su Mansion were sent to the border, and I have never contacted anyone from the Su Mansion. !"

The emperor sneered and said: "Su Dongyan was dispatched to the border three and a half years ago. According to the usual practice, if he is not killed in battle in this life, he will never be able to return to Beijing. The Su Mansion and the Yun Mansion have always had friendship. If we If I remember correctly, your ex-wife is from the Su family."

Yun Jingyan fell on the ground and said: "This minister's ex-wife is indeed from the Su family, but this minister is loyal to the emperor, how could he do such a treasonous thing? I really haven't seen Su Dongyan for several years! "

The emperor's eyes were full of chill, and Yun Jingyan's waist straightened up slightly. When he saw the coldness in the emperor's eyes, he couldn't help but tighten his heart, knowing that this time he might really be in big trouble.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known that Su Dongyan would cause such a big disaster, he would have sent someone to kill Su Dongyan back then, which would have been better than the current situation.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I am now the right minister. According to my ability, I am satisfied to be the right minister. I really dare not do more for him!"

He dared not do more in his words, he thought he was referring to the throne, and what he said was the truth. He had read sage books since he was a child. Although he was ambitious, he only wanted to be a courtier. emperor.As for the aspect, he just wants to keep it, and wants to have wealth and glory.

The emperor saw his legs trembling with fright and his forehead covered with fine beads of sweat, and remembered that he had been conscientious in his work over the years. There are many tricks and tricks in the field, which are really nothing.

The emperor coughed lightly and said, "Maybe you don't have that kind of thought..."

The emperor only spoke half of what he said, but he remembered that Yun Jingyan was a loyal supporter of Chu Mo. No matter what position he stood on, neither he nor Chu Mo had the motive to burn down the Liangchuangcang.

But Yun Jingyan said anxiously: "This matter has nothing to do with Duke Ming at all."

It was fine if he didn't say that, but once he said that, the emperor frowned immediately, and the coldness in his eyes became stronger in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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