Chapter 1791 A Confession

Seeing the change in the expression on the emperor's face, Yun Jingyan was startled.

The conversation was divided into two parts, the emperor was here to talk to Yun Jing about the matter, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice was not idle, so he quickly pried Su Dongyan's mouth open, and Su Dongyan's confession was quickly written down.

At this time Chu Yuanzhou had already entered the palace, he was the immediate boss of the Ministry of Punishment, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment handed over Su Dongyan's confession to Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou knew about the burning of the granary as soon as he entered the palace today, and the person who set the fire was actually Su Dongyan. He was so alert. When he heard about this, he remembered the excerpt he saw yesterday, and knew that this time he was only afraid of Yun Jing. No matter how difficult it is for Yan to escape, it's just that this matter is not only directed at Yun Jingyan, but also directed at Chu Mo.

Chu Yuanzhou knew what kind of guy Su Dongyan was. If he dared to set fire, he had fallen into someone else's trap. Su Dongyan's IQ naturally couldn't see through those traps. He didn't need to read Su Dongyan's confession. I know the general content written in it.
The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment glanced at Chu Yuanzhou's face, saw that he had been slow to accept the paper, and said softly, "My lord, is there anything inappropriate about this confession?"

"There should be nothing wrong with it." Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "It's just that the Su family and my Yunxiang family have a deep relationship, and Yunxiang is my father-in-law, so I don't want to read this brochure first. Pass it directly to the emperor!"

After hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment secretly praised him for his cleverness. He didn't read the scriptures, not to separate himself from Yunfu, but to protect himself.If the emperor asked, as long as Chu Yuanzhou had read the excerpt, based on the emperor's suspicion, he might suspect that the confession had been tampered with. It is the best way for him not to read it.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice took the order to go. Chu Yuanzhou folded his hands half in front of his chest, pinched his chin lightly with his fingers, and then sneered. He felt that although he wanted to save Yun Jingyan's life in this matter, But you can use other methods.

But this time, it was clear that someone was scheming deliberately, and he had always been relatively indifferent to such things as scheming. As long as he was not the object of the scheming, he felt that everything didn't matter.

It's not a bad thing for him that the queen wants to deal with Chu Mo, he just needs to watch the excitement from the sidelines.

It's just that Yun Jingyan couldn't be allowed to die in this incident while watching the excitement this time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain to Yunqian, so he felt that it would take a little skill to handle this matter well.

His eyes deepened, and he immediately called a guard, whispered a few words into the guard's ear, and the guard walked out quickly after receiving the order.

Chu Yuanzhou said to himself: "Don't you guys like to be lively? Then I will make today more lively."

When Yun Jingyan was kneeling on the ground and the emperor's expression was not good when the copy of the Minister of Criminal Justice was sent to the emperor.

The emperor coughed lightly but did not accept the note, but said to Yun Jing, "You read it to me."

Yun Jingyan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hand, and responded lightly. He told himself in his heart that the emperor called him here today, which means that the emperor has no intention of killing him at this time. Otherwise, the emperor would say nothing. , the Yun family will be wiped out by the cao family.

When the Minister of the Ministry of Justice handed the notebook to Yun Jingyan, he said, "Mr. Yun, this is Su Dongyan's confession."

(End of this chapter)

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