Chapter 1792
Yun Jingyan's hands trembled, but he just nodded his head slightly, the tension in his heart was hard to suppress.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice has an upright personality and has always been dissatisfied with Yun Jingyan. In the eyes of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, Yun Jingyan is a snob. , cannot be the prime minister of a country, but the emperor likes it very much.

Regarding the emperor's thoughts, none of the ministers in the court dared to point out, but the minister of the Ministry of punishment felt very happy when he saw Yun Jingyan's embarrassed look.

Yun Jingyan opened the folder with trembling hands and read: "...My uncle sent someone to rescue me halfway, saying that he announced that he had severed ties with Su in the capital, but it was just a cover-up..."

"Your Majesty, I didn't go to rescue Su Dongyan!" Yun Jingyan opened his mouth to defend himself in the middle of the sentence, but he was scolding his mother in his heart, who is trying to frame him so deliberately!

The emperor snorted coldly and said, "Continue."

Yun Jingyan cried inwardly when he heard the emperor's words. If Su Dongyan really mentioned something to him, he might be doomed this time, but at this time he had to say the truth.

Yun Jingyan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead again, coughed lightly and read: "After my uncle rescued me, he arranged a house for me in Liaocheng, and then bought me a house, and let me stay there. Stay at ease first, and then come to me again when he wants to use me..."

The more Yun Jingyan read it, the more he felt chills all over his body. Three years ago when Su Dongyan was dispatched to the border, he once went to Liaocheng on business. At this time, Su Dongyan's confession proved that all All others had already plotted against him three years ago, and all of this was carefully arranged by others, just waiting to happen today.

At first, he thought that Su Dongyan set fire to the granary because of his severance of ties with the Su Mansion and held grudges against him, but now it seems that things are far more than that.

His voice was a little trembling when he read, and he took a peek at the emperor, but the emperor just snorted coldly, there was no warmth in his eyes, seeing him looking over, the emperor also gave him a cold look, he hurriedly withdrew his gaze, Then he swallowed lightly.

He continued to read: "After my uncle settled me in Liaocheng, we have been living in peace for the past few years. Just a month ago, a man named Nian Xian who was next to my uncle found me and said that my uncle has something for me now. Do it, if you do it well, maybe you can even make me retract the confession, restore the Su family's innocence, and let the dog..."

He became even more frightened when he read this. There is indeed a steward named Nian Xian beside him. Nian Xian is his confidant. It made him feel scared, that bastard Su Dongyan dared to scold even the emperor!

The emperor said coldly: "Read!"

Although he only said one word, his entire body exuded the air of an emperor, and Yun Jingyan's body trembled again in fright.

Yun Jingyan had no choice but to continue reading: "Let the dog emperor die earlier, the Ming king will ascend the throne, and the world will be unified! So let me burn the food and grass. If Xiliang invades, I will have no power to fight back. In addition, Chenzhou The earthquake is enough to prove that the dog emperor is an out-and-out fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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