Chapter 1800 Sex is as light as a chrysanthemum
Ye Wuchen looked at Yunzheng steadfastly and said: "There is some truth, but I don't know how to be a female celebrity."

"Then you can play the tune for me." Yunzheng said with a smile.

Ye Wuchen slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Last time I blew the tune for half an hour in the room, and my mother heard it, and she gave me a good word."

The corners of Yunzheng's mouth raised slightly after hearing what he said. She caught a cold a few days ago and felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted to listen to a piece of music, so Ye Wuchen played it to her, but Madam Ye heard it. down.

Madam Ye is nice to Yunzheng, but in this world where men are superior to women, she always feels that men should work hard outside, and women should serve men at home.

Fortunately, Yunzheng was ill that time, and Mrs. Ye felt that husband and wife should also care and take care of each other, so she just talked about it once.

Now Yunzheng's illness has recovered, if she continues to play the flute like this, Mrs. Ye may have a seizure.

Yunzheng said softly: "Yes, then let's continue playing chess!"

Ye Wuchen smiled and said: "It's already morning, and I have to eat in a while, so let's talk!"

After he finished speaking, he gently pulled Yunzheng's hand, and gently pulled her into his arms. At this time, Nana was still waiting on the side in the room, and Yunzheng's face flushed suddenly. After gently opening Ye Wuchen's hand, But he said to Nana: "Go to the old lady and bring the young master over!"

Nana's face had already turned red, and when she heard Yunzheng's words, she knew she was being sent away, so she responded and ran away.

Around Ye Wuchen's hand, Yunzheng lay in Ye Wuchen's arms. At this time, Ye Wuchen happened to see the half of Yunzheng's face with red marks, and felt that the marks on her face seemed to have faded a lot.

The original bright red color is now only a light red, although there are still some marks, but it is not as shocking as before.

Ye Wuchen gently stroked Yunzheng's face with his hand and said, "Zheng'er, the marks on your face seem to have faded a little recently."

Yunzheng raised her eyes and asked, "Really? Do you like it?"

"I like you no matter what you look like." Ye Wuchen said with a smile: "It's just that the mark on your face is not a birthmark? Will the birthmark fade away?"

After living with her for a long time, he found that she was really a very kind and understanding woman, but she was as indifferent as a chrysanthemum.

"I don't know." Yunzheng blushed slightly and said, "Maybe God thinks you are too handsome. If I am too ugly, I will inevitably be laughed at, so I faded those marks on my face." Quite a few."

Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? Is there another theory?"

There was a little more tenderness in Yunzheng's eyes, she looked at Ye Wuchen tenderly and said: "Wuchen, I know you don't care about my appearance, but women are pleasing to me, I think I can change my appearance. Be more beautiful, standing by your side like this, I will be more confident, and feel that I am worthy of you."

Ye Wuchen frowned when she said this: "I've heard that there is a way to whiten the skin, but that way is said to be very harmful to women's bodies. It's good for you, so you don't need to use it anymore. The marks on the face are removed."

Yunzheng was full of concern when she heard what he said, her lips lifted slightly, and she said with a smile: "I didn't use those methods, it's just..."

(End of this chapter)

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