Chapter 1801 Beauty's Face
After a slight pause, Yunzheng finally said slowly: "It's just that I didn't have marks on my face. It's just that when I was in Yunfu, I once heard that my father and mother were discussing to marry our sisters to the ministers of the court. To pave the way for my father's official career, I don't want to let my father promise me to a man I don't like. It's also a coincidence. I met a reclusive teacher who liked me very much. A dose of medicine, after I got home with the medicine, I used the excuse that my maid burned my face, and then applied the medicine on my face, so it became what you saw before."

Ye Wuchen was slightly taken aback when he heard Yunzheng's words, and he said in surprise: "It's just a burn, your face is so red, didn't Yun Xiang ask you to see a doctor?"

"Father has always only had an official position and a peaceful future in his eyes, and he didn't care about the affairs in the back house. At that time, Su Qiaohui was in power in the Yunfu. She was only good to her own children. No more." Yunzheng said softly, and when it came to Yunfu's family affairs, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Ye Wuchen knew a little about the affairs of Yunfu's house because of Yunqian's affairs before, but hearing Yunzheng say this now, he also felt a little unhappy.

But he also remembered that Yun Qian, who was so smart back then, had to pretend to be crazy to protect himself, and he could vaguely imagine what kind of life the other concubines in Yun's mansion were living.

He said softly: "Zheng'er, you have suffered! It's just that your aunt doesn't care about you?"

Yunzheng's eyes dimmed when she heard the words, and she said softly: "My aunt only has my fourth sister in her heart, and my daughter has never been important to her. Since I was a child, my temper has been a little cold, and I am not as capable as my fourth sister. To please my aunt, she always thought that it was good for me to live in peace and content like that. So after my face was burned, there was a red mark. Although she felt a little pity, she didn't say anything. She At that time, I was only thinking about how to please Su Qiaohui, how could I offend Su Qiaohui for me, after all, it would cost a lot of money for the doctor to show me my face."

Ye Wuchen frowned when he heard this, and there was a trace of displeasure in his eyes.

Yunzheng originally thought that there was no need to tell him about these houseworks in Yunfu, so as not to be underestimated by him, but Yunqian once told her that husband and wife should treat each other openly, and this time all things will happen Afterwards, Ye Wuchen had seen clearly about the people and things in Yunfu, and there was nothing he couldn't say.

She said softly: "Before Xue Xinyi said that he didn't care about my appearance and admired my talent and kindness. I was young at the time and yearned for love, so I believed what he said, but I was sensitive enough to see him. There was a faint disgust in my eyes. When I was in Mingzhuang, I tried him once, saying that I wanted to separate from him, and he really wanted to separate from me. Maybe it was at that time that I My feelings for him have also faded, that extremely lecherous and irresponsible person."

Ye Wuchen gently pulled her hand over, and said softly: "The Buddha gave each woman a kind heart, and also gave women different looks. People in this world, when they look at people, they see it at first sight. The most important thing is appearance, Zheng'er, don't say that men are vulgar, after all, men like beautiful faces."

(End of this chapter)

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