Chapter 1802 Prison Disaster
Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng separated quickly after hearing Dudu's voice, but the blush on their faces hadn't faded.

Du Du ran in with two short legs, Yunzheng hugged him, Nana originally didn't want to bring Du Du so early, but Du Du said she wanted to kiss her mother, Nana couldn't stop her, so she had to After following, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room as soon as she came in, and she couldn't help but blush immediately.

Seeing his wife and children standing in front of him like this, Ye Wuchen felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

He waved to Nana, and Nana ran away, Ye Wuchen smiled and hugged Du from Yunzheng's arms, and said with a smile: "Zheng'er, there is something I forgot to tell you, your father may Something big will happen."

Yunzheng was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Last night, King Ming sent someone to look for you, was it just for this matter?"

Ye Wuchen nodded slightly, and Yunzheng said softly: "He is my father after all, I can't leave him alone."

Ye Wuchen smiled when he heard the words, nodded again and said: "I see."

The news in Yefu is also very well-informed. When Chu Yuanzhou disclosed the news to Chu Mo, Ye Wuchen actually knew about Yun Jingyan, so when Chu Mo came to find him last night, he was naturally I know what Chu Mo is looking for him for.

Yunzheng let out a long sigh, but Ye Wuchen said again: "Although Yun Jingyan's population is low, he gave birth to two good daughters."

Yunzheng knew that the two good daughters he was talking about referred to her Yunqian, she smiled lightly at that moment, a faint smile appeared in her eyes, but there was also a hint of helplessness.

After Yun Jingyan was imprisoned in the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he felt extremely uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong with his whole body. He had been to a place like the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice once before, but he was the one who came to inspect the prisoners. He was locked up in such a place.

From Yun Jingyan's point of view, this place is really not a place for people to stay. You can see mice crawling around everywhere.

In the past, Yun Jingyan was considered calm and unhurried in the court, but once he arrived here, he seemed extremely anxious, and kept asking the jailer if anyone had a look at him.

After seeing his appearance, the jailer said disdainfully: "Yun Xiang, just sit here! If you keep dangling around like this, my eyes will be dizzy from your dizziness. You have only been locked up for a day, and it is normal for no one to come to see you." but."

Yun Jingyan became even more irritable when he heard these words. He only felt that none of his sons and daughters were filial, and no one came to see him!Especially Yunqian, at this moment, she is the only one who can use her strength, but she doesn't move at all, it's too much.Although he knew that she held some grudges against him, but in his opinion, those things were just innocuous things, and she kept them in her heart.

In the prison, he couldn't see the outside scene, and he didn't know day and night. Yun Jingyan couldn't get any news from the outside, so he finally stopped after walking tired.

The jailer brought the dinner over. After Yun Jingyan took a look at the dinner, let alone eating it, he felt like throwing up. He could smell the rotten smell from the food from a long distance away.

It's just that as soon as those meals were put there, a group of mice rushed over and quickly ate all his meals.

(End of this chapter)

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