Chapter 1803 The Death of Yun Jingyan
Seeing this scene, Yun Jingyan felt even more disgusted.

At this moment, he heard the voice of the jailer, and then saw Liu Ying walking in. Yun Jingyan was stunned when he saw Liu Ying. He really didn't expect that when he was in trouble, the first person who came to see him It wasn't his children, nor his beloved fifth wife, but Liu Ying, who had long since fallen out of favor.

Liu Ying saw that Yun Jingyan was no longer the same as before in the mansion at this time. Once she changed into the prison uniform, she looked much older. Her eyes deepened, but she wept softly: "Master, you how?"

Her voice was a little timid, but also full of concern.

Yun Jingyan felt a little irritable when he saw her crying, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not dead yet, why are you crying?"

Liu Ying hurriedly wiped away her tears when she heard the words, and even handed over the food box in her hand and said, "The concubine is afraid that the master will not be used to the food here, so the cook specially made some meals for the master to send over."

As soon as the food box was opened, the aroma of the food was overflowing. Yun Jingyan realized that he was already hungry. He didn't eat at noon and he didn't eat at night. He said: "After you go out, go to Miss Wu and ask her to find a way to rescue me no matter what."

Liu Ying responded lightly. When she saw him eating, there was a look of disdain in her eyes. Normally, Yun Jingyan was always putting on airs, but now he was out of control, and the way he ate was extremely rude.

After midnight, all the prisoners in the prison fell asleep, and Yun Jingyan also felt exhausted, and he didn't know how Chu Mo would handle his affairs. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep on the straw bed.

It's just that as soon as he fell asleep, he felt a sudden headache. It felt as if some hands were pinching his nose, making him unable to breathe. As a result, he just sniffed his nose lightly and felt a splitting headache.

There was a look of panic in Yun Jingyan's eyes. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. He opened his mouth to call for help, but found that there was no sound at all. He couldn't say it, he just felt a severe pain in his throat, and his hands involuntarily grabbed his neck severely.

Blood sprayed out again, he pinched his own neck, his eyes were full of pain, and soon fell to the ground.

The prison in the ground seemed very quiet, there was no sound anywhere, Yun Jingyan's actions stood out in the night, but no jailer came over.

A white-faced and beardless man stood in the corner, with a chill in his eyes, he watched Yun Jingyan fall to the ground without making a sound, but walked slowly to Yun Jingyan's cell.

The jailer quickly walked up to him and opened the cell door for him. He walked slowly into the cell and reached out to touch Yun Jingyan's breath. Yun Jingyan was no longer breathing, and his mouth and nose were covered with blood.

With a wave of the man's hand, the jailer quickly came over, took cotton cloth and water and wiped away all the blood from Yun Jingyan's mouth and nose, then removed Yun Jingyan's belt and hung it directly in the room. over the beam.

The man nodded slightly and said, "You can handle it."

Yun Jingyan's cell was in the deepest part of the prison, which had already been arranged properly, and there were no other prisoners in the surrounding area.

(End of this chapter)

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