Chapter 1804

Because of the seclusion, no one saw what happened here at this time.

Yun Jingyan's body was picked up by the jailer, and then he directly wrapped his neck around the belt hanging in the air.

After the jailer finished all this, he also slowly left the cell.

When Yun Jingyan's body was hung up, there was no sign of struggling. Judging by the look, he looked like he was dead.

After the white-faced and beardless man left the cell, he walked slowly forward through the not-too-wide aisle, and then walked directly through an alley. Seeing no one left and right, he opened an ancient well in the alley, Then he jumped down the ancient well and disappeared in an instant.

The inner courtyard of the palace was also quiet at this time. The queen was sitting in the room holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand, pulling them out repeatedly.

The maid had already turned off several lights in the room, only one was shining in front of the queen.

The lights were dim, and the queen's face was half buried in the shadow, half-light and half-dark, and she looked a bit cold and stern. Her hand moved slightly, although the movement was not big, but it cast a huge shadow.

There was a strong murderous look in her eyes at this time, and her eyes looked brighter than usual, without any trace of old age.

In the middle of the night, the beardless man who went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and jumped into the ancient well in the middle of the night came in and said, "It's all done."

The queen nodded lightly and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

The man glanced at the empress and said: "It's not hard to do things for the empress, but the servant doesn't understand something, why the empress must kill Yun Jingyan?"

That person is the deputy manager next to the queen. Although the queen has not been favored these years, the deputy manager has never left her and is extremely loyal to her. Therefore, the queen seems to be very bleak in the eyes of outsiders these years. In fact, her life is far more than others. Seeing is much better.

It's just that after Chu Yuan was shut down in the Zongren Mansion, the queen's temperament became more gloomy, and she acted more low-key.

Concubine De came to provoke her several times, but she ignored them and let Concubine De make trouble.

But in the dark, she has many plans.

She is the empress, in the harem, that is, her world, it doesn't matter if Concubine De is in power, so what if everyone favors Concubine De, there is nothing that Concubine De does that she doesn't know.

But no matter how clear she was, she pretended not to know anything.

As for Liu Ying who went to deliver medicine to Yun Jingyan today, it was just a pawn of hers.

She knew that Yun Jingyan was the biggest help for Chu Mo's ascension to the throne, so she must get rid of Yun Jingyan. Before Chu Tianqi entered the palace and hinted that she should deal with Yun Jingyan, she felt a little funny in her heart.

There are a few things in the palace, outside the palace, in the court, and there are a few things that she can't understand, so why does it need Chu Tianqi to hint that she has already laid out the chess pieces that should be laid out, and she just waited for the right time to use them.

The queen pulled out the Buddhist beads again. She had been to Yunfu once, and she met all the young ladies and aunts in Yunfu. Although this kind of meeting was illegal, it also made people in Yunfu think that She has no airs.

Among the wives and young ladies, Liu Ying was the first thing the queen saw, because she saw greed and ambition in Liu Ying's eyes. Although those eyes were well hidden, how could they avoid them? The queen's keen eye.

(End of this chapter)

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