Chapter 1805
After that, the queen's process of wooing Liu Ying became very simple. The queen just promised some things and gave some gold and silver, and Liu Ying obeyed her orders. It's so simple.

When the Empress first saw Liu Ying look at Yun Jingyan, she knew that Liu Ying also hated Yun Jingyan in her heart.Yun Jingyan said that as soon as Yun Jing died and Yun Chu's whereabouts were unknown, Yun Fei would be the only adult man in Yunfu, and everything in Yunfu would belong to Liu Ying.

She glanced at the deputy manager and said, "He must die. As long as he commits suicide in fear of crime, Chu Mo will never turn over again."

After the deputy manager thought about it, Zhang Yu understood the meaning of her words, nodded his head lightly and said, "The empress still wants to help the fourth prince win the throne?"

"Is that bastard suitable?" the queen cursed in a low voice, the originally dignified face was distorted due to anger, and looked terrible under the dim light.

The deputy chief looked up at the queen and said, "Since the queen doesn't want to put the fourth prince on the throne, why should she destroy the third prince?"

"That bastard Concubine De has been in the palace for many years. Although the emperor has become suspicious of her this time, the mother clan behind her is still strong." The queen said slowly: "The emperor has always loved her very much. If that bastard Chu Shu can't become emperor, then he has the best chance of becoming emperor, and among the many princes, the son of that bitch Concubine De is definitely not going to be emperor."

She knew very well in her heart that as long as Chu Mo became the emperor, she would have no choice but to live the rest of her life, and Chu Yuan, who was imprisoned in the clan's mansion, would have no choice but to die. She was definitely not happy to see such a thing.

After she saw Chu Yuan's tragic situation that day, she swore that Chu Shu would never stay, and Chu Mo would never be emperor, and Chu Yuan must save her.

She is the mother of a country, and she must not live like that.

The deputy chief nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

The queen turned her head and glanced at him and said: "You go down to rest first, there are still many things to do tomorrow, and there are many good shows to watch, we just watch the show here, and let some people feel uneasy."

The deputy chief responded, saluted and then retreated.

The queen sat there with a sinister smile, the murderous intent in her eyes became stronger, and there was a faint smugness in her eyes.

Early the next morning, the queen was waiting in the palace for the news of Yun Jingyan's death. As she expected, she got the news early in the morning.

After hearing the news, the queen just smiled lightly, with serious calculations in her eyes, she slightly opened her lips and said, "Very well, the second step can also be carried out."

There was endless murderous intent in her voice, without a trace of warmth, and the deputy manager standing beside her responded, "Yes, this slave will go and arrange other things."

After the deputy manager stepped down, the queen said unhurriedly: "Concubine De, you will soon taste the feeling of falling from a high place, just like I did back then. At this time, you may not be at peace anymore. !"

Indeed, as the queen expected, Concubine De was not at peace at this time. She received news early in the morning that Yun Jingyan committed suicide in fear of crime in the Ministry of Punishment, and had already hanged himself.

(End of this chapter)

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