Chapter 1833 Just hit you!

Because of Chu Yuanzhou's order, Yuanyuan didn't show any affection this time, she almost used all her strength.

Yuanyuan was originally a master of the inner family. Although she was a weak woman, she was much stronger than the average man. She kicked Chu Tianyu with all her strength, and directly kicked Chu Tianyu to the wall.

Chu Tianyu spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily to the ground.

Yu Xing originally thought that Yun Qian would be seriously injured this time, and he had already thought up his words, but instead of seeing Yun Qian being injured, he saw Chu Tianyu's body flying out directly, his eyes were full of shock , I didn't expect an ordinary maid standing beside Yunqian to have such abilities!

Yu Xing rushed to Chu Tianyu's side and said, "Tianyu, are you okay!"

Chu Tianyu spat out another mouthful of blood, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she immediately said angrily: "Yunqian, you bitch, how dare you instigate the maid to beat me, I will fight you!"

Yuanyuan rushed to her side very quickly, raised her hand and gave her a slap, she said angrily: "You are a bitch, you are the same bitch as your mother and sister, you are a bitch among bitches!"

Yuanyuan has a pure personality and always distinguishes between good and evil. After following Yunqian's side, she will become the real master. She has heard about Lu Zhu from Huanyu and Shuxiu, and she has seen Chutian with her own eyes. Qi calculated Yunqian, and at this time Chu Tianyu kicked Yunqian in the abdomen in front of so many people. In Yuanyuan's view, such behavior was absolutely vicious.

Yuanyuan was born in a family of military generals. Since her parents died early, she has dealt with people in the world since she was a child. She is not as delicate as a lady, and she does not have so many scruples as a maid from a wealthy family.

In her opinion, as long as anyone dares to bully Yunqian, then she doesn't need to be polite, no matter who that person is, she will teach her a lesson first.

She used [-]% of her strength to knock out several Chu Tianyu's teeth with one slap.

Chu Tianyu had never seen such a fierce maid before, she was so angry that her eyes widened and she said angrily: "What are you, how dare you do something to me!"

Yuanyuan snorted coldly, raised his palm and hit her again, how could Yu Xing let her strike again, and immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, but he felt that his arm was numb, and Yuanyuan's hand still hit her. Chu Tianyu's face was only blocked by Yu Xing's hand, and his strength has weakened a lot.

Yun Qian knew Yu Xing's identity, knocking out Chu Tianyu's teeth was nothing, but if he fought Yu Xing at this time, it would be nothing if he was held accountable later.

Besides, Chu Tianyu is a mad dog, she has to protect Yuanyuan's safety.

So when Yunqian saw that Yuanyuan wanted to make a move, she reprimanded softly, "Yuanyuan, don't be rude!"

Yuanyuan originally planned to teach Yu Xing a lesson together, but now she snorted coldly after hearing Yun Qian's shout, and then took her hand back.

Yu Xing saw that Chu Tianyu's face was swollen and his whole body was disfigured, so he said in a cold voice, "Is this the way Chu Tianyu's mansion treats guests?"

Princess Chu was about to speak, but Chu Tianyu rushed in front of her and said, "Yunqian, you bastard, you let the maid beat me like this! Could this be your tutor? I almost forgot, your father You are a treacherous minister, and even a rotten person, and there is no family education at all, Chu Yuanzhou is blind to fall in love with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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