Chapter 1834 Progress is slow
Yun Qian said indifferently: "The way of hospitality in the Prince Chu's Mansion has always paid attention to standards, and it is absolutely impossible for others to call the door and let them call. Just now, when Princess Pingnanhou heard that I was pregnant, she wanted to be pregnant. Kicking my stomach, could this be the tutor in Pingnanhou's mansion?"

There was a murderous look in Yunqian's eyes, and although his tone was very light, there was already a bit of cold air.

She didn't talk about Chu Tianyu's background, but only said where Chu Tianyu came from now. This time Chu Tianyu entered Beijing on behalf of the Pingnan Hou Mansion, so at this time, everything must be sent to the Pingnan Hou Mansion. Count on yourself.

Yun Qian could see clearly what Yu Xing did just now, that Yu Xing is not a good bird, she doesn't need to be polite to him.

Yu Xing frowned, he had already started to weigh in his heart whether this time it would be better to make a big mess or to make a fuss in a small place, after thinking about it for a while, he already had a calculation in his heart.

He was about to speak, but Yun Qian glanced at Chu Tianyu again and said: "My biological father did some things improperly, which is why he angered the emperor. But look at what Pingnan Hou Shizi concubine did, It seems that he is worse than him, at least he will not go to lay hands on a pregnant woman, but your behavior is really disgusting! Calculated like this, I am afraid that the tutor in Pingnanhou's mansion is not as good as Yun's mansion."

Chu Tianyu was very angry at Yun Qian's words. She was furious. At this moment, the King of Chu walked in from the outside. What she originally planned to scold Yun Qian immediately turned into crying. She cried loudly: "Father, You came just in time, look what Yunqian has done to me! I rushed all the way to the palace, and as soon as I came in, she let the girl beat me!"

Seeing Chu Tianyu's face-changing speed, Yun Qian felt extremely disdainful in her heart. She originally thought that Chu Tianyu was a dude who didn't have much scheming, and felt unhappy and wanted to hit someone.

But looking at it now, she really underestimated this Chu Tianyu, her face-changing technique was not worse than that of Lu Zhu and Su Qiaohui.Chu Tianyu's vicious look just now was not because she was violent and impulsive by nature, but because in her heart, she didn't take Yun Qian and Princess Chu seriously at all.

She just felt that these two women deserved to be damned, and she didn't need to give them any face.

She had such an idea because she felt that the king of Chu had the final say in the mansion of the king of Chu. As long as the king of Chu was coaxed well, everything would be easy to talk about.

As soon as Chu Tianyu finished speaking, she immediately brought her swollen face, which was swollen by Yuanyuan, to the King of Chu, as she was about to complain.

She glanced at King Chu, and saw that King Chu's face was gloomy, she felt a little proud, then glanced at Yun Qian from the corner of her eye, her eyes were full of disdain.

Seeing her appearance, Yunqian raised her eyebrows slightly. She also knew that the King of Chu had always had a partiality for Lu Zhusheng's child. Seeing Chu Tianyu's appearance at this moment, she felt indifferent. Anyway, she didn't care how the King of Chu looked at her. .

The King of Chu said coldly, "What's going on?"

Yun Qian felt that the King of Chu had improved compared to before. If the King of Chu heard such words before, he would probably scold her first, but now he would ask her first, regardless of whether he had any doubts in his heart, or whether he had any doubts about her. No matter how eccentric Chu Tianyu is, she has not been as exaggerated as before.

She still remembers his favoritism towards Lu Zhu when the King of Chu found out the truth about Lu Zhu poisoning Princess Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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