Chapter 1839 They Are All Sluts
Yun Qian just glanced sideways at Huanyu, but didn't stop her. What Huanyu said was not completely wrong. The children of Lu Zhu were indeed a little speechless. Using the word "cheap" to describe them is also appropriate.

Shuxiu was also very happy in her heart, but she was a little worried and said: "Concubine Shizi, Chu Tianyu suffered a loss in Chu Palace today, if she leaves like this, I don't know if something will happen!"

Yun Qian said slowly: "As the father said, the Pingnan Hou Mansion holds the military power, and now the Chu Palace has received the attention of the Emperor. They came directly to the Chu Palace without seeing the Emperor. This is to be suspected by the Emperor. But if they were driven out of the palace by the king of Chu, it would be different. In the current palace of the king of Chu, no matter what happens to her, the emperor is afraid that the emperor will suspect that the palace of the king of Chu and the mansion of Huiping Nanhou have joined forces, so the king's father It's the right thing to do."

She knew that the reason why the king of Chu treated Chu Tianyu today was not only because what Chu Tianyu did was too vicious and harsh, but also because the king of Chu wanted to avoid suspicion.

The Chu Palace can stand in the court for many years, how can the Chu King not have two brushes, but like this time, the Chu King handles public and private affairs together, and she thinks that such a thing is really good.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, and there was a smile in her eyes.

In the evening, Qingqing came back, she said softly: "Consort Shi, after Chu Tianyu and Yu Xing left the palace, they kept cursing and cursing, and then met King Ming on the road, King Ming invited Yu Xing to drink tea, Yu Xing refused. "

Yun Qian's eyes deepened and he said: "Chu Mo's speed is very fast. Chu Mo has been trying to win Chu Wangfu but can't find a way. Instead, he went to win Yu Xing. This is also a good way. Pingnanhou's mansion Although his military power is far inferior to that of the Prince of Chu's Mansion, the Pingnan Marquis Mansion also has a lot of military power, and it also has a great influence in the court. If he gets the support of the Pingnan Marquis Mansion, it will indeed add a bargaining chip for him. Yu Xing's refusal of him is also expected, after all Chu Tianqi and Chu Shu have a marriage contract, Yu Xing will definitely support Chu Shu, but if Chu Shu is completely ruined, then everything will be another matter."

"The imperial concubine is really amazing!" Qing Qing's eyes were full of admiration: "When Ming Wang stopped Yu Xing, he said, 'If there is no such thing as Chu Shu, Mo Gong welcomes Pingnan Hou Shizi to Ming Wang's residence.' "

Yun Qian's eyes darkened when she heard the words, she glanced at Qingqing and said, "Chu Mo really said that?"

"Yes." Qingqing said curiously, "Shi Zifei, what's wrong with this?"

Yun Qian's eyes deepened and said: "It's not that there is anything wrong, but that Chu Mo's temperament has always been introverted and steady. He will not say anything related to the future until he has confirmed the matter. Now he To say this to Yu Xing, I am afraid that he has already thought of a way to deal with Chu Shu."

How deep is Chu Mo's scheming, and how concealed it is, Chu Mo of the Pingnan Houfu will definitely find a way to win him over.

Shuxiu said softly: "As long as Chu Shu is locked in the clan mansion and never comes out, it is not a threat to Chu Mo."

"But the emperor made a wish before, saying that Chu Shu and Chu Tianqi will get married in a month. Since they want to get married, it's only a matter of time before they are released." Huanyu said aside.

Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "Huanyu is really smart this time."

(End of this chapter)

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