Chapter 1840 Chu Mo Motivation
After these maids followed Yunqian, because she never shy away from them when discussing those important issues, they now have their own opinions on the affairs of the court, no matter right or wrong, when there is no one around I will also say a few words.It's just that they also know the seriousness, and they will never say a word outside.

Huanyu smiled embarrassedly at Yunqian's praise.

There was a trace of solemnity in Yunqian's eyes, and she said unhurriedly: "I'm afraid there will be another big event in Beijing."

After she finished speaking, she asked again: "Qingqing, is there anything else?"

Qingqing knew that she was asking about Chu Tianyu and Yu Xing, so she shook her head slightly and said, "After they rejected Chu Mo, the two of them went back to the inn directly, but not long after they entered the inn, people came in and out of the inn , I leaned on the roof and listened for a while, those people are all servants who were expelled from the Chu Palace by the former princess, and they all served Lu Zhu."

After Yun Qian brought Lu Zhu down, he drove some old people out of the palace. Those people were Lu Zhu's people. Unexpectedly, when Chu Tianyu came back, he found them.

She asked softly, "What did she ask them for?"

"Ask how Lu Zhu and Chu Tianyou died, and where Chu Tianqi is. Apart from knowing how Lu Zhu died, those people don't know about Chu Tianyou's death and Chu Tianyou's death since they have been away from the palace for a long time. Chu Tianqi's whereabouts." Qingqing replied.

"Chu Tianqi should know all about Chu Tianqi's property." Yun Qian said slowly, "It's not difficult for Chu Tianyu to find Chu Tianqi."

After a slight pause, she continued: "However, whether she can find Chu Tianqi or not, it doesn't matter to us. Chu Tianqi's ending has not changed in any way. She can't turn around. Even Chu Tianqi Even if Yu returns to the capital, it won't change."

Shuxiu sighed lightly.

But Yun Qian asked again: "Chu Mo has already gone to find them. It is impossible that there is no movement from the Queen's side. Can you see people from the palace coming to them?"

Qingqing shook her head, and Yunqian asked again: "Think about it, maybe that person is just dressed like a common servant, but the people in the palace must be eunuchs, with no beard on his chin."

Qingqing thought about it carefully and then said: "When Shi Zifei said this, I thought of another person. That person has not spoken since entering the room, but just bumped into Yu Xing when he was leaving."

Yunqian sneered and said, "Sure enough, the queen has made a move. I'm afraid the note has been passed to Yu Xing with that touch. Qingqing, you were discovered because they couldn't figure out who was following you, so It didn't happen."

Qingqing's face turned red, but Shuxiu asked again: "Concubine Shizi, the queen hates the fourth prince now, and it is impossible for the eldest prince to come out of the clan's mansion. She made so many things this time because she wanted to do it." What?"

Yun Qian said leisurely: "I'm afraid what she wants to do is a little shocking."

That night, Chu Yuanzhou didn't come back, but asked the head of the secret guard to bring news to Yunqian that something happened in the palace and he had to stay in the palace to deal with it. He would not come back at night and let her rest early.

After Yunqian heard the news, she frowned slightly. Although she knew that it would not be difficult for Chu Yuanzhou to deal with the affairs of the palace, she was still worried about him.

(End of this chapter)

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