Chapter 188 Want to Destroy Her
As soon as Yunqian walked into the hot spring, she smelled an extremely elegant fragrance. She didn't pay attention when she took the first sip, but her eyes darkened a little when she took the second sip.

A little ecstasy incense was added to that fragrance, the ecstasy incense was applied very skillfully, and the amount was also very accurate. At the beginning, no one would react, but when more and more of the ecstasy incense was inhaled, It will make people feel a little dizzy.

When this happens, because they are taking a bath, many people think it is normal and don’t care too much, so they don’t care. In this case, the body is too lazy to move, and it is impossible to leave here .

After that, you will fall into a real coma.

Thinking about it like this, Yunqian knew that this was also a game that Su Qiaohui had carefully prepared for her.

It's a pity that the Yun Qian in front of her is no longer the Yun Qian she used to be, but the poison doctor Yun Qian, so how can such a little bit of enchanting fragrance do anything to win her.

She called Huanyu and Shuxiu to change her clothes, and told them about the situation, their faces changed drastically.

Yun Qian softly whispered in the ears of the two of them: "Here are a few antidote pills, you won't faint after taking them, play by ear later."

After she finished speaking, she gave some instructions softly, and the two of them hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Yunqian calculated the time, and it would take some time before the onset of the drug effect. She felt that since she had arrived here, she naturally wanted to enjoy the hot spring here, so she took off her clothes and soaked in it immediately.

When she calculated that the time was almost up, she got up and wiped off her body, then put on her clothes again,
After thinking about it, she put the clothes she just changed into the hot spring, and then found a few sticks to support her.

The hot spring pool is foggy, and it looks like someone is there from a distance.

After finishing these preparations, she saw a big basket for miscellaneous items beside her, so she jumped into the big basket. She wanted to see when they would do it.

After about a quarter of an hour like this, Yunqian heard a soft sound, she followed the sound, and saw a crack suddenly appeared on the stone wall beside her, and then she saw a Hua, who was about ten years old, The boy in uniform got out.

Looking out through the bamboo basket, Yunqian felt that the young man looked a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she finally remembered that the young man was Su Rushi's younger brother Su Dongyan.

Yunfu and Sufu are cousins, and they often have contacts on weekdays, but concubines like Yunqian are not common on weekdays, but every time Su Dongyan comes to Yunfu, he likes to drill into the backyard, so Yunqian used to I have met him a few times, but I don't have a good impression of him. Every time he comes to the mansion, he likes to tease the maids in the mansion.

In the capital, everyone knows that there is a demon king Su Dongyan in General Su's mansion. Su Dongyan is the head of the dandy in the entire capital. So proficient.

Most of the common people in Beijing, when they heard Su Dongyan's name, would stay away, lest they cause unnecessary trouble.

When she saw the young man's appearance, her eyes were filled with disdain. Even though he looked like a dog, in Yun Qian's heart, he was an out-and-out scum!Su Qiaohui is also really interesting, to let this young man spoil her reputation.

At this time, she also somewhat understood Su Qiaohui's thoughts. Earlier, Su Qiaohui had tried every means to damage her reputation so that she could not marry into Yefu.When Ye Wuchen came to propose after retiring the engagement, Su Qiaohui asked Yun Qian to be Ye Wuchen's concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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