Chapter 189
It can be seen from this that Su Qiaohui is afraid that she hates her to the bone and cannot see her living well.

But now that her marriage with Chu Yuanzhou has been settled, Su Qiaohui can't sit still, so she will naturally find a way to ruin her reputation.

Yunqian's eyes suddenly turned cold, Su Qiaohui's step was ruthless and poisonous, and she didn't give her the slightest way out.

Su Dongyan entered from the stone wall, and there were Huanyu and others guarding him outside. When he came in like this, it seemed that Huanyu and others let him in, and Huanyu and others were her personal maids. If Huanyu and the others let him in, then it seems that Yunqian ordered him to let him in.

Such a scheming, it can't be said that it's not deep, and it can't be said that it's not vicious!
If Yun Qian didn't expect it, there must be someone who catches rape outside, and that person who catches rape must be a woman, and she must be from the Su family.

As long as the matter of arresting adultery is established, her marriage with Chu Yuanzhou will also fall through, and she will have to marry Su Dongyan, because if the two have an affair before marriage, she is just a concubine, and at most she will be Su Dongyan. Dongyan's concubine.

Yunqian heard that the phrase "poisonous woman's heart" was a bit too much, but now that she has realized Su Qiaohui's sinister intentions, she feels that this sentence is really suitable to describe Su Qiaohui.

If she didn't know the art of poison, even if she had to guard against everything today, she would follow Su Qiaohui's way!

Yun Qian clenched her fists tightly, and the coldness in her eyes grew even stronger.

Seeing that Su Dongyan came in with a lewd smile on his lips, Yunqian strode towards the hot spring, and said with a misty white breath, "Fifth cousin, I've come to see you, have you ever missed me?"

Yun Qian felt a little disgusted when she heard that sentence, and there was a chill in her brows and eyes.

Seeing that Su Dongyan rushed towards the clothes that Yunqian had arranged before, he was taken aback for a moment because he only caught a few bamboos.

At this moment, Yunqian heard an extremely cloudy voice from outside the door saying: "Fifth sister, you forgot the token of your mother's last wish before you went out, and my mother asked me to give it to you!"

Yunqian's eyes were full of frost when she heard Yunluo's words. When she attacked Yunluo before, she still showed some kindness, and she didn't push her to a dead end.

Last time, Yunqian also thought about designing Yunluo, but she thought it was a bit ruthless after thinking about it later, so she never implemented her plan.Originally thought that Yunluo had already suffered a disadvantage before, and she would never do anything outrageous to her in the future, but unexpectedly Yunluo and Su Qiaohui were planning her and harming her!
Yun Qian felt that some people were really hopeless, and his subordinates didn't need to show any affection at all.

When Yunluo rushed in, she saw Su Dongyan standing there alone, and there was no sign of Yun Qian inside, so she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Su Dongyan was also stunned when he saw her, and then smiled and said: "Fourth cousin, you coax me, saying that fifth cousin is here, she is not there at all, but you have made me trouble for a long time in vain, you have to make it up to me today. "

He was originally a Tai Sui, so he couldn't suffer at all. Today, he also heard Su Qiaohui say how beautiful Yun Qian is, and he will take a bath in the hot spring at this time, and even secretly leaked a message to Su Dongyan, saying that by the side of the hot spring There is a secret road that leads directly to the place where Yunqian takes a bath, so he hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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