Chapter 1880
"I don't know." Nangong Wushuang said softly: "But I always feel that I will be happier than staying in the capital. Maybe after I leave, I will miss the prince and the concubine. I have lived until now, and only you can make me feel warm. "

Chu Yi sighed softly, his eyes darkened but he didn't speak.

Nangong Wushuang asked again: "What did the prince want to say to me just now?"

Chu Yi's eyes deepened, he hesitated slightly and said: "I..."

After he said a word, he pondered for a moment and said, "I..."

He has always been decisive and swift in his actions. It is rare for him to open his mouth and say a few words for me, but he didn't say the rest of it in a daze.

It was the first time Nangong Wushuang saw him like this, he smiled lightly and said, "My lord is also hesitant sometimes? What do you want to say to me? Just say what your lord has to say. I have been taken care of by my lord all these years." , nothing in return, if there is anything that can help the prince, I will naturally go all out."

Chu Yi's temperament has always been cold, and there are not many expressions on his face on weekdays, but at this time his face is slightly red.

After hearing Nangong Wushuang's words, he bit his lips lightly and said: "Actually, I want to say that we have been married for so many years, Tuoyin is no longer your home, and there are no relatives there, I want to take care of you Forever."

Nangong Wushuang was slightly taken aback when he heard his words, and said softly: "My lord..."

Chu Yi interrupted her and said: "I have been thinking about this matter for a long time, and I have been busy with the court affairs recently, so I have not told you. You know my temper, and I am not good at expressing feelings."

When he said this, he looked into Nangong Wushuang's eyes, and said firmly: "It's just that I'm not good at expressing. I really like you in my heart, and I want to spend a lifetime with you."

Nangong Wushuang was startled when she heard the words, her face was full of surprise, but there was a gleam of joy in her eyes, she said softly: "What did the lord just say?"

She couldn't believe her ears, was he just saying that he liked her?

Chu Yi gently pulled her hand over and said, "Wushuang, I like you and want to be with you."

Nangong Wushuang's hands couldn't help shaking slightly, she didn't know whether it was too much joy or surprise, her body couldn't help but took a step back.

Chu Yi sighed slightly when he saw her reaction, but said again: "I have been married to you for three years, and I have been asking myself how to go on with you in the past few years. Earlier, you once Tell me, the marriage between us is nothing more than an exchange of interests, but in my opinion, it is not the case. I admit that I had such thoughts in the beginning when I married you, but after I married you into the palace, I thought about wanting to marry you. Treat you well. Maybe when I had such an idea at first, it was just because of the responsibility of marrying you. It's just that the more I go on, the clearer it is in my heart that I have you in my heart. "

It's rare for him to say such a long word in front of her, and when he said it like this at this time, it had a different taste.

Nangong Wushuang's eyes were full of astonishment. For these years, the two had lived together peacefully, neither developing in a good direction nor in a bad direction.

From Nangong Wushuang's point of view, Chu Yi is very busy every day, rarely in the palace, and even when she is sick, he is rarely by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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