Chapter 1881
Only once, when Nangong Wushuang had a severe high fever, Chu Yi handed over the matter in hand to the deputy general, and waited for a few days to accompany her by her side, and her heart was warm in those few days.

As for her daily living expenses, he gave her the best.

After getting along in the past few years, she knows that Chu Yi is the kind of person with strong self-discipline. He is cold-tempered on weekdays. The people who serve him around him are all men. There is not even a maid in the room, let alone a roommate. , he does all the trivial things in daily life by himself, so the interpersonal relationship in the palace is very simple, and her life is also very simple.

Such a man is considered a special case among the aristocrats in Beijing, and he doesn't have many opportunities to talk to her on weekdays.

It's just that every time he came back, he would bring her some specialties from Beijing and China. In the past few years, she has eaten all the delicacies in Beijing and China without going out.

Every time the weather changed, he would send someone to bring her clothes and quilts while he was busy.

Nangong Wushuang saw all these things in his eyes, and felt warm in his heart, but his face never showed much expression, and she always misunderstood those things as he would often do.

But thinking about it now, if he really didn't have her in his heart, how could he do those things?

Intense joy rose in her heart, but it felt a little unreal.

She asked a silly question: "I'm just an orphan girl, and I can't help you with the prince's great cause at all. What does the prince like about me?"

Hearing her question, Chu Yi pondered for a moment and said softly: "I don't know what I like about you, maybe it's your blue eyes, maybe it's your kind and simple temperament, or maybe it's you Looks a little dazed."

When Chu Yi said this, Nangong Wushuang's face turned red.

Chu Yi said softly again: "When I was very young, I saw the battles of the concubines in the palace, and felt that the days of fighting back and forth were unfair to women. I have lived in Ningde for more than ten years , there are many simple people nearby, most of them are monogamous because their families are poor, I once saw a gray-haired old man walking past lotus sugar with an equally white-haired old woman, and I felt They are very happy, and I also want to have someone who can accompany me when I grow old."

Nangong Wushuang didn't expect him to have such thoughts, so he couldn't help being stunned.

Chu Yi said softly: "If I am not a prince, but just an ordinary person, I would prefer to live a simple life, but I am a prince, and I am an extremely unfavorable prince. If I have been standing there passively, It is very likely that some disasters will be caused inexplicably, and if there is no self-protection ability, it is very likely to die. I just want to live well and have a woman who likes me and likes by my side."

Chu Yi spoke sincerely, and the words were not gorgeous, but Nangong Wushuang felt very warm when she heard it, better than any gorgeous words in the world. She raised her head slightly, and there was a touch of light in her eyes. Touched, and her heart is not ruthless to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi took her hand again, and said softly: "Wu Shuang, you have been by my side all these years, taking care of me in your way, and I can see that you also have me in your heart .”

(End of this chapter)

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