Chapter 1901 Entering the Palace at Midnight
"Duke Ming went to the emperor's bedroom tonight, and then it became like this." The messenger said softly.

Princess Qionghua said: "I knew it was that bastard! He really thought I was easy to bully!"

The messenger's letter has arrived, and he returned after giving a salute.

Princess Qionghua stood up and walked around the room and said loudly: "Come on, change clothes, I want to enter the palace!"

The maid next to her heard the words and asked: "Princess, the palace gate has already been unlocked so late, what are you doing in the palace?"

Princess Qionghua bit her lips and said: "It doesn't matter if the key to the palace gate is released, I will definitely let them open the palace gate when I go!"

The maid had seen how powerful Princess Qionghua was, so she didn't ask any more questions, and hurriedly fetched her clothes.

When Princess Qionghua arrived at the gate of the palace, it was midnight, and the inside and outside of the palace gate were deserted.

Princess Qionghua's eyes darkened slightly, she stood at the entrance of the palace, and immediately shouted loudly: "Open the door! I have something urgent to enter the palace to see the Queen Mother!"

Although Princess Qionghua has an extremely domineering temper, she seldom refers to herself as the palace in front of others, and she has been married for many years, so calling herself the palace will inevitably make people feel a little weird.

It's just that her power is still there, there are not many court ladies and eunuchs who don't know her, and everyone knows that those rules and etiquette have never been restricted in front of Princess Qionghua.

The eunuch glanced at Princess Qionghua through the crack of the door, seeing her eyes were full of strong anger, her appearance was extremely fierce, startled, and wanted to open the door for her.

It was just that the eunuch walked to the palace gate, and was grabbed by the steward beside him and said, "Do you want to die? The princess is in a rage, you open the door at this moment, even if she doesn't skin you, you won't There will be good fruit to eat. Besides, the emperor is sleepy and the queen mother is not in good health. Once she came in and quarreled with the emperor and queen mother, you are not afraid of the emperor and queen mother being held accountable? How many heads do you have enough to chop off?"

The eunuch also thought it made sense, and immediately said to Princess Qionghua: "Princess, the key to the palace gate has been locked, and the slaves dare not open it. If the princess has something urgent, please enter the palace tomorrow morning!"

Princess Qionghua wanted to scold her when she heard the words, she said angrily: "If I can come tomorrow morning, do I need to come now? Stop talking nonsense and open the palace door to Bengong quickly, otherwise I will destroy your whole family! "

The eunuch said weakly inside: "If you go back to the princess, the whole family of the servant died in the flood, otherwise the servant would not enter the palace."

Princess Qionghua was a little angry when she heard the words, this little eunuch really made her speechless.

She immediately cursed again: "If you don't open the door to Ben Gong, Ben Gong will tear you to pieces tomorrow."

"If I open the door to the princess now, I'm afraid I'll be torn to pieces tonight." The person inside said loudly, his voice full of helplessness.

Princess Qionghua was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, she immediately raised her foot and kicked heavily towards the door, but the palace was thick and poured with cast iron, she kicked it down, the door was fine, but her foot hurt badly.

Princess Qionghua was furious, and stood there cursing for a long time, but the door did not open. She knew that the door might not open tonight, so she gritted her teeth and immediately went to the other palace door. The maids and eunuchs inside were just like an appointment, no matter how much she shouted, threatened, or lured, those people just wouldn't open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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